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Definition of green research, development and innovation within the framework of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science (UFM) has established an overall definition of green research, development and innovation including seven subtopics to be used across UFM in strategies, analyses, surveys, mapping, monitoring and other initiatives in connection with the green transition.

Green research, development and innovation including seven subtopics is defined based on the seven topics of the strategy for investments in green research, technology and innovation (“Green solutions of the future”), while the more comprehensive mappings of green research needs and potentials (in Danish only) are referred to for more exhaustive descriptions of the single subtopic.

The following definition of green research, development and innovation including seven subtopics is used within the framework of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science:

Green research, development and innovation

Green research, development and innovation includes research[i], development[ii]  and innovation[iii] that directly or indirectly[iv]contributes to the green transition of society - specific solutions and technologies as well as basic knowledge. This applies in terms of both reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, climate adaptation, sustainable use of resources, circular economy, environment, nature, biodiversity and societal aspects, e.g. sustainable behaviour. Green research, development and innovation covers seven sub topics:

1. Sustainable energy technologies and production etc.

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of sustainable energy research with focus on development of green technology and production of sustainable and renewable energy e.g. solar energy, wind power, hydropower, bioenergy, geothermal energy as well as carbon capture and storage (CCS)/utilisation (CCUS). The topic also includes storage and conversion technologies such as Power-to-X, Power-to-Gas and fuel cells as well as energy planning and regulation.

2. Energy efficiency

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of energy efficient construction, infrastructure and building renovation, sustainable building materials and improvements of energy efficiency in existing buildings, cities and industry. The topic also include optimisation of production processes and systems, sustainable and intelligent/smart grid and integrated energy systems, district heating and cooling, refrigeration and heating systems as well as thermostats, heat pumps, ventilation, lighting and technical installations. Finally, the topic includes energy planning and regulation.

3. Sustainable food production, agriculture and forests

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of green and sustainable production systems, methods, technologies and solutions within agriculture, food, soils, forests, fishery and aquatic production including research in emissions, capture, sequestration, storage, uptake and cycle of nutrients, CO2 and other greenhouse gasses in soils, forests and the aquatic environment. The topic also includes climate friendly as well as more environmentally and nature friendly production systems and management along with climate adaption of production, products and land use. Furthermore, the topic includes research in new and alternative protein sources plus novel foods and other bio-based products.

4. Climate friendly transportation

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of climate friendly transportation and logistics of both cargo and individuals on water, on land and in the air as well as optimising transport capacity, infrastructure and planning. The topic also includes research in sustainable fuels for individual and cargo transportation including electrification, hybrid, electrofuels (Power-to-X) and biofuels with a focus on transition of heavy transport, international shipping and aviation. Furthermore, the topic includes research in facilitating behavioural changes towards more climate friendly transportation.

5. Environmental protection, circular economy and environmental technology

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of circular economy and recycling of waste including e.g. plastic, textiles and polymers. The topic also includes research in environmental protection and pollution of air, soil and water with focus on minimising the emission of polluting materials and substances in addition to the development of new technological solutions to improve the air, soil and aquatic environment. Furthermore, the topic includes research in sustainable water resources and technologies to ensure the protection of groundwater and drinking water in addition to an improved water supply, water cleaning and utilisation of wastewater as well as a clean water environment in both groundwater, surface water and the seas. Finally, the topic includes research in climate adaptation of cities, coastal and land areas.

6. Nature conservation, biodiversity and climate change

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of conservation, restoration and management of nature and biodiversity, ecosystem services and understanding of ecosystems with focus on processes, dynamics, functions and structures. The topic also includes research in impact of and adaptation to climate change on nature and biodiversity as well as further development of climate models and monitoring e.g. with focus on development in sea levels and melting of sea ice, glaciers and the polar ice caps. 

7. Sustainable behaviour and societal consequences

The topic includes research, development and innovation in the field of sustainable behaviour and societal consequences in relation to both reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improved environmental protection and nature conservation. The topic also includes research in climate friendly and sustainable behaviour, better utilisation of resources as well as regulation, planning and public procurement. In relation to environment and nature, the topic includes research in behavioural changes, outdoor activities and nature experiences, public health, multiple land use, ecosystem services and international conventions and collaboration. [1]

The green subtopics are not mutually exclusive due to the interdisciplinary nature of research. Therefore, some research and innovation projects will fit into various subtopics.

The definition of research follows the Frascati Manual 2015, ”Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge – including knowledge of humankind, culture and society – and to devise new applications of available knowledge.” The Frascati Manual 2015 also states, “A set of common features identifies R&D activities, even if these are carried out by different performers. R&D activities may be aimed at achieving either specific or general objectives.” and “For an activity to be an R&D activity, it must satisfy five core criteria. The activity must be novel, creative, uncertain, systematic, transferable and/or reproducible.”Three types of activities are included: basic research, applied research and experimental development.

The definition of development follows the Frascati Manual 2015, ”Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge – including knowledge of humankind, culture and society – and to devise new applications of available knowledge.”  Experimental development is systematic work, drawing on knowledge gained from research and practical experience and producing additional knowledge, which is directed to producing new products or processes or to improve existing products or processes. Experimental development is new knowledge/new products/new processes in general.

The definition of innovation follows the Oslo Manual 2018,”An innovation is a new or improved product or process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the unit’s previous products or processes and that has been made available to potential users (product) or brought into use by the unit (process).” Innovation is new knowledge/new products/new processes for the unit.

Indirect green research, development and innovation is research, development and innovation that does not have a direct green purpose or application, but has a green application potential. An example could be development of equipment for satellites that can be used to different purposes including green purposes such as monitoring the development of the forest area or climate change at Earth (e.g. changes in sea-ice cover). Another example could be optimisation of production or construction processes so that less energy and fewer materials are used with the consequence of a reduced total environmental and climatic burden. On the contrary, basic research is not considered indirect green research if it does not have an acknowledged green application potential. This can change should a green application arise in the future.


Mette Venås Overballe-Petersen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 18
Email: mvo@ufm.dk

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last modified April 12, 2024