Entry requirements
Admission to higher education programmes in the Coordinated Admission (KOT) in Denmark is regulated by law and regulations. The regulations provide the entry requirements for the programmes. Please note, that you can only apply for undergraduate programmes in KOT. If you are interested in graduate programmes, please visit
You must fulfil certain requirements to apply for higher education programmes in Denmark.
As regards most programmes you must have an upper secondary education in order to apply. In some programmes other kinds of education or qualifications are also accepted such as a vocational training education.
Most programmes, but not all, also have specific entry requirements such as specific upper secondary courses passed at a certain level or special grade requirements.
Your application will not be taken into consideration if you do not fulfil the entry requirements.
All applicants must fulfill the entry requirements no later than 5th of July. If you do not fulfil the specific entry requirements before 5th July, it is possible in some programmes to pass a supplementary course to be eligible for admission if you during the summer holiday are able to pass the required course.
It is up to each educational institution to determine weather they will accept conditional admission. If you are offered conditional admission, you will only be able to attend the programme if you pass the supplementary course before the programme begins or shortly afterwards.
Read more about entry requirements, introduction of changes, conditional admission and supplementary courses:
- Entry requirements for higher education programmes and introduction of changes in entry requirements (pdf)
- Find the entry requirement for specific programmes at Optagelse.dk
If you are applying for admission at a higher education programme with non-Danish qualifications, you can read more at:
Quota 1 and quota 2
In most programmes you will be offered a study place if you fulfil the entry requirements.
In some programmes the number of applicants exceeds the number of study places and the admission is restricted. In these programmes admissions are allocated in two quotas: Quota 1 and Quota 2.
Quota 1 admissions are allocated according to the grade point average of an upper secondary education. The grade point averages needed for admission will be published 28 July. The educational institution(s) can inform you about this as well.
Quota 2 admissions are allocated according to criteria published by the educational institution(s) to which you have applied. Please note that the number of study places in quota 2 at some programmes is very limited.
Finally, there are a smaller number of programmes where admissions are allocated according to the result of an admission test or according to other criteria than the quota system.
Applying for admission
When applying for higher education programmes it is mandatory to apply via
You can apply for up to 8 programmes at the same time. The Coordinated Admission (KOT) will ensure that you will not receive more than one offer for a study place (if any). The offer will be at the highest possible priority.
Application deadlines:
The application deadlines are 15 March, 12 noon (CET) and 5 July, 12 noon (CET). These dates Optagelse.dk closes at 12 noon (CET).
15 March, 12 noon (CET) for:
- Applicants applying for admission in quota 2
- Applicants with an international upper secondary education including International Baccalaureate (IB) – irrespective of whether the diploma is from a school in Denmark or outside Denmark
- Applicants with non-Danish upper secondary education/entry qualifications
- Applicants for programmes with admission tests
- Applicants applying before the deadline 15 March, will automatically be considered in quota 1 as well if their grade point average can be converted to the Danish 7-point grading scale.
5 July, 12 noon (CET) for:
- Applicants with a Danish upper secondary education applying for admission based on their grade point average only.
28 July you will receive an answer to your application. If you are not admitted to any of the programmes that you have applied for you will have a possibility to apply for a vacant study programme. You can ask about your possibilities at the education institutions you are interested in or at Studievalg or eVejledning.
Further information
You can find information regarding higher education in Denmark at UddannelsesGuiden. At the study guidance centres (Studievalg) and the national guidance centre (eVejledning), you can receive guidance concerning higher education in Denmark.