Nine top researchers from Denmark have joined the European elite - having received much sought-after grants from the European Research Council. Between them, the researchers received a total of DKK 135 million for ground-breaking research into quantum physics and digital democracy, among other areas
News 2019
Denmark has received six Advanced Grants from the European Research Council (ERC), which will boost independent and excellent research with DKK 112 million. It will cover research in photonic components to plant molecular biology, and digitalization to distraction.
The University of Copenhagen surpasses great international universities in terms of attracting skilled researchers who have been awarded an EU grant from Horizon 2020. This is reflected in the numbers for the Individual Fellowships from the European Commission where Denmark procures DKK 131 million.
The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (DFiR) has given nine recommendations to improve the impact of the innovations support system by addressing those who have the capacity for innovation.
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