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Before applying for assessment of your qualifications

See the requirements for assessment, and find the right application form.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science makes level assessments of non-Danish qualifications for use in Denmark. You can get an assessment of your qualification if...

  • you have completed the qualification,
  • the qualification is publicly recognised in the country of education,
  • the qualification corresponds to a level in the country's formal education system, and
  • you use our application form and document your education.

The assessment normally takes a maximum of two months from the time we receive the application and the required documentation.

The assessment is free of charge, but does not include translation of documents.

Online application

Please use our digital application form if you have MitID (Danish digital signature for public digital services). That is the fastest way for you as well as for the Agency.

Pdf application form

If you are unable to use the digital application form or prefer not to, you can use our pdf form instead. You should also use this form if you want to authorise someone else to apply on your behalf.


Please note:

Grades and subject levels are not assessed

If you apply for admission to a higher education programme, the educational institution will assess whether your non-Danish exam satisfies the requirements concerning grades and subject levels.

Regulated professions

If your profession is regulated in Denmark, please find form and instructions here:

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024