Major award and tribute to five outstanding researchers
A totally new insight into the challenge offered by the way in which technological giants collect the data constantly served up by our gossipy mobile phones. Innovative artificial muscles in silicone combined with a talent for entrepreneurship. A persistent hard slog to improve the safety of our medicines for the benefit of hundreds of thousands of patients. Breakthrough knowledge on the consequences of long-term stress in children. In-depth studies of past climate and environmental conditions crucial to an understanding of today's climate challenges.
This is the kind of exciting new knowledge that this year's winners of the Elite Research Awards 2022 are contributing to society. These five young top researchers have mastered the very special and complex discipline that is world-class research, and their work will inspire young students to strive to reach the same peak achievements.
— I am so delighted to be able to pay tribute to five researchers who are continuing the fine tradition of Danish research of outstanding international repute. It is challenging to tread new paths without necessarily knowing where they will lead, but this is what this year's five award recipients have done. In an impressive way, they are helping to increase our knowledge, to improve our health, to pave the way for climate change mitigation and open the doors to new export ventures. This is something they can be truly proud of, and something that we should celebrate — concludes the Minister for Education Higher Education and Science, Jesper Petersen.
The five researchers will each receive DKK 1.2 million in recognition of the great work they have done and the significance of their research in addressing pressing challenges facing our society. DKK 1 million will go towards the research activities of the award recipients, while the remaining DKK 200,000 are a personal recognition.
This year's recipients of the Elite Research Awards are:
- Anne Ladegaard Skov (In Danish)
- Anton Pottegård (In Danish)
- Felix Riede (In Danish)
- Naja Hulved Rod (In Danish)
- Sune Lehmann (In Danish)
In addition to these awards, 20 EliteForsk travel grants, each of DKK 200,000, will be awarded to talented PhD students. The scholarships are earmarked for study abroad, so that the PhD students may visit some of the best research institutions in the world to further improve their skills in their chosen field.
— I find it very satisfying that those young researchers who receive EliteForsk grants will be able to travel out into the world and draw inspiration from the best research environments on the international scene. I am sure that they will return home with invaluable experiences that will benefit both society and these young researchers for the rest of their careers — comments the Minister for Higher Education and Science, Jesper Petersen.
For more information, contact:
The press team of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science on
+45 7231 8181