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EU guidance initiatives

At the European level, the interest in guidance has been expressed in several policy papers and handbooks in recent years.

EU initiatives in the field of lifelong guidance

Short descriptions of these EU policy papers, surveys and publications are provided below with links to online documents when possible.

ELGPN tools no. 6: Guidelines for policies and systems development for lifelong guidance

The aim of these guidelines is to provide advice and reference points for lifelong guidance policies and systems across the education, training, employment and social fields. Also, the aim is to demonstrate how coherent guidance policies and systems contribute to achieving education, employment, youth and social policy goals. 

Lifelong  guidance policy development: A European resource kit, 2013

The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network
(ELGPN) presents this resource kit with guidance on how to assess and review national, regional and local lifelong guidance policies and practices. The resource kit covers transversal aspects related to career management skills, access to guidance services, quality assurance and co-ordination between different actors and stakeholders in guidance.

Lifelong guidance across Europe: reviewing policy progress and future prospects, 2011

This Cedefop report reviews progress made across Europe in 2007-10 in developing guidance policy coordination, quality assurance mechanisms, access to services and career management skills.

EU resolution on guidance, 2008

In November 2008, the Council of the European Union and the representatives of the governments of the member states adopted the resolution which underscores the importance of better integration of lifelong guidance into strategies for lifelong learning. 

Cedefop: Improving lifelong guidance policies and systems

Cedefop is the EU's reference centre for vocational education and training.

The 2005 Cedefop publication "Improving lifelong guidance policies and systems. Using common European reference tools" provides an introduction to three common European reference tools for guidance:

  • aims and principles of lifelong guidance provision;
  • reference points for quality assurance systems for guidance provision in Europe;
  • and key features of lifelong guidance systems.

It explains the background of their development and provides suggestions on how to use each tool to improve existing policies and systems for guidance at national, regional and local levels and for peer learning at national and European levels.

Survey on guidance in 29 European countries

In 2001, the OECD launched a review of guidance policies in which fourteen OECD countries took part. At the request of the European Commission, in 2002, Cedefop and the ETF (European Training Foundation) extended the review to cover the remaining Member States and future Member States. In 2002, the World Bank also undertook a related review of career guidance policies in seven middle-income countries.

In 2004, Cedefop produced a synthesis of results of the surveys for 29 European countries as well as a short paper comparing and contrasting the guidance policy situation in Europe with that of middle-income countries and non-European developed countries.

Two European networks:

The EU also supports two European networks. The Euroguidance Network promotes guidance and mobility in Europe, and the Danish Euroguidance centre is hosted by the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education.

The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, ELGPN, aims to assist the EU Member States (and the neighbouring countries eligible for the EU Erasmus+ Programme) and the European Commission in developing European co-operation on lifelong guidance.

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024