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Nordic cooperation

The Nordic countries cooperately closely in the field of recognition.

Close cooperation takes place in regard to mutual recognition of qualifications and periods of study, within the Nordic Council of Ministers as well as within the Nordic Recognition Network.

Several Nordic agreements on mutual recognition have been adopted, some of which are mentioned here.

The Reykjavik Declaration

In 2004 the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research signed Reykjavik Declaration, the Nordic Declaration on Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education. The Reykjavik Declaration has been revised in 2016 and 2022.

The Reykjavik Declaration aims to promote:

  • mutual recognition of higher education qualifications between the Nordic countries
  • automatic recognition of comparable qualifications in higher education in the region
  • co-operation on the assessment of qualifications obtained in Nordic and other countries, in particular via the NORRIC Network

Access to higher education

The Nordic countries have agree to recognise each other's access qualifications.

Cooperation on upper secondary education

This agreement covers general secondary as well as vocational education and training:

Nordic recognition network

Norric logoThe Nordic recognition information offices have formed a network,  NORRIC, in order to facilitate the improvement of recognition practices in the Nordic countries and to go forward as a region, on the basis of the principles of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

Labour market agreements

The Nordic countries have concluded several agreements concerning a common labour market, including mutual recognition of qualifications.



Health personnel

See also

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024