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Admission to vocational education and training (VET)

Find out about entering vocational education and training in Denmark on the basis of a foreign qualification.

If you are ready to apply for admission to a particular programme, you should contact the vocational college that you prefer. It is up to the school to decide whether you can be admitted  on the basis of your non-Danish qualification.

You are advised to ask a guidance counsellor at the vocational college whether you fulfil the entry requirements or need supplementary courses, and about possibilities for credit transfer.

Applying for admission

You may enter the basic course at a vocational college or start with on-the-job training in a business enterprise if you have signed a training agreement with the enterprise.

If you are aged 25 or more, you enrol on a VET for Adults programme (EUV, see below).

If you are starting your VET programme at a school, then that is where you should apply for admission. You apply through the Coordinated Enrolment service:

Please contact the vocational college for information about applications and deadlines.

Entry requirements

In order to be admitted to a VET programme on the basis of your non-Danish qualification, its level must be comparable at least to that of the Danish Examination after 9th form.

If you are applying to start on the basic course you are required to document exam grade average equivalent to 2.0 or higher in these subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • The language of instruction or Danish (in case Danish was taught as a mother tongue as part of your school education).

It is the vocational college where you apply that will decide whether you fulfil the entry requirements.

Assessment of level of education

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science can make a overall assessment of the level of your non-Danish qualification.

Danish proficiency

You must have sufficient proficiency in Danish to complete a Danish language programme of education.

If you have documentation of your foreign qualification the vocational college will assess whether your Danish is sufficient.

If you have not brought documentation of your foreign qualification you are required to pass a Danish test at the Danish competence level G or higher, e.g. FVU (Preparatory Adult Education) level 4, AVU (General Adult Education) Danish as a second language, Danish 3 Exam or the Study Test in Danish as a Second Language (Studieprøven).

You can also take an access course in Danish, Danish as a second language and/or Mathematics at the vocational college where you are applying for admission.

For the office clerk programme special rules apply: If you wish to enrol directly on the main course of the office clerk programme, you must pass the Study Test in Danish as a Second Language (Studieprøven) or the upper secondary subject Danish (or Swedish or Norwegian) at A level, in addition to having a qualification at the same level as a Danish general upper secondary examination.

See also:

VET for Adults (EUV)

If you are 25 years or older, VET for Adults (EUV) is your path to a vocational qualification. Providing the same skills as VET for young people (EUD), this programme takes as its starting point the education and the experience that you already possess as an adult.

On the basis of an individual competence assessment lasting between ½ day and 5 days, you are placed in the type of programme suited to your situation:

  • EUV 1: You have at least two years of relevant work experience: No basic course, shortened main course and no on-the-job training.
  • EUV 2: You have relevant work experience or previous education and training: A basic course of up to 20 weeks and a main course with shortened school-based time.
  • EUV 3: You have neither relevant work experience nor previous education: A programme corresponding to VET for young people.

See also

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024