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Open call for written contributions to the evaluation of the Innovation Fund Denmark

October 08, 2018
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science calls for written contributions to the evaluation of the Innovation Fund Denmark.

The Innovation Fund Denmark was established in 2014 with the purpose to provide grants for strategic and challenge-driven research, technological development and innovation, among other to increase the share of innovative enterprises and the share of investments by private-sector enterprises in research and development. 

According to the agreement on Innovation Fund Denmark - the Fund for Strategic Research, High Technology and Innovation of 3 October 2013, the fund has to be evaluated in 2018.

On this background, the Minister for Higher Education and Science has appointed an independent international peer review panel to carry out the evaluation. The evaluation shall among other things focus on, whether the fund lives up to its statutory purpose and the role of the fund in the overall research, development and innovation system.

As a central element in the evaluation, the international expert panel wants to receive written contributions from relevant stakeholders.

The written contribution shall relate to the following:

  • Areas in which the fund is doing well
  • Areas where the fund has a potential for improvement

The written contribution must be no more than one page (2.400 keystrokes) and in English. Name, institution and relation to Innovation Fund Denmark has to be indicated. If the written contribution exceeds one page only the first page of the contribution will be given to the panel.

The written contribution must be submitted no later than Friday, 12 October 2018 to siuufi@ufm.dk


Mark Neumann
Tlf.: +45 72 31 86 62
Email: mane@ufm.dk

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