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A partial requirement to wear masks at educational institutions

October 23, 2020
From Thursday 29 October, a partial requirement to wear masks at educational institutions will come into force. This is due to the recent serious increase in the number of people infected by COVID-19 in Denmark.

The government has decided to extend the current COVID-19 measures, and in addition to introduce a number of new COVID-19 measures to minimise the risk of a further spread of infection.

Further information about the new COVID-19 restrictions

If you have questions please contact your educational institution or write to the Ministry’s COVID-19 mailbox info-covid-19@ufm.dk

These measures, for example, include a requirement that all students at higher education institutions must wear a mask when moving around within the educational institution. For example, in the canteen, in the corridors, and in general in all communal areas of the institution.

The requirement to wear a mask does not apply when students are attending teaching and training activities in classrooms and group rooms, workshops, clinics and laboratories.

Teaching staff who teach more than two classes or groups in the course of a day must wear a face mask or visor.

The new guidelines come into force on Thursday, October 29, 2020, and will provisionally last until January 2, 2021.

On Monday, October 26, 2020, a ban on assemblies of more than 10 people will come into force. For the time being, however, the ban on assemblies of more than 10 people will only apply for four weeks; teaching, exams, or the like, which require physical attendance are exempt from this ban.

It is also recommended that study trips and events, the purpose of which is primarily social, should be cancelled.

*The text has been modified 29 October 2020

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