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Denmark receives DKK 33 million in extra grants from the European Research Council

March 15, 2016
In December 2015 the European Research Council awarded five of their prestigious grants to researchers from Danish universities. The European Research Council now grants 59 extra funds, of which three go to researchers in Denmark working with ground-breaking research within cancer and archeology.

The three research grants from the ERC

The three extra grants have been appointed to young research scientists conducting their research in Denmark. The scientists are affiliated with the University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Denmark.

The grant will be carried through at the University of Copenhagen.

Aofie Daly, founder of Dendro

The research conducted by Aoife Daly is concerned with timber as construction material, as a commodity and as a resource in short supply, as well as an indicator for a trade contract between regions in Northern Europe.

She receives 11 DKK million from the European Research Council for the project ‘Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation’. Through studies of archival material and a focused analysis of historic wood, Aoife will shed light on the trade of timber in the ancient Northern Europe.

The project combines historical knowledge, archeology, dendrochronology as well as the development of new methods of analysis targeted at uncovering the trade of wood across Europe in a period of six centuries from 1100 to 1700. The project will equip us with a deeper understanding of the development in the widespread trade with this important resource in the Northern Europe in the course of time.

The grant will be carried through at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.

Luis Toledos

Luis Ignacio Toledo Lazaro, Postdoc from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Protein Research, receives 11 DKK million from the European Research Council for the project ‘Dissecting the constraints that define the eukaryotic DNA replication program’.

Luis: “With this project we want to explore new dimensions of DNA replication. We will investigate how the biological limitations of human cells influence DNA replication and how these can be exploited to develop new treatment strategies for cancer."

Read more

  • CPR Postdoc Luis Toledo Lazaro receives ERC grant of 1.5 mio. EU, KU's webpage [inactive link]


The grant will be carried through at the Technical University of Denmark.

Sine Reker Hadrup

Sine Reker Hadrup researches the immune system’s recognition of cancer cells. She receives 11 DKK million from the European Research Council for the project ‘nextDART’. Sine Reker Hadrup works with the development of new technologies capable of describing how the immune system’s T-cells interact with cancer cells. She will investigate how the immune system recognizes different genetic changes in cancer cells. This knowledge will help choose the right genetic changes as a goal for immunotherapeutic strategies and provide us with better and more targeted cancer treatments.

Read more

  • 11 Million for research into cancer and T-cells, DTU's webpage [inactive link]

 Read more

  • Introduction to the different types of funding within the European Research Council [inactive link]

Course "The successful ERC applicant"

EuroCenter, Danish Agency for science and innovation, offer a course for researchers that wants to apply for grants at The European Research Council. The course takes place in Copenhagen 16 June 2016.

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