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Professional board to benefit Aarhus School of Architecture

November 08, 2011
A collective board will head Aarhus School of Architecture. The five external members have been chosen and Higher Education Minister Morten Østergaard is looking forward to future cooperation.

The new board of the Aarhus School of Architecture is a varied mix of local, Danish and international profiles, architects and designers and those with teaching and management experience.

With the five external board members selected, it is clear that the school has a very competent, experienced board that will manage the school's interests as an artistic education and research institution.

– I am delighted to be able to present a strong team, which together with the members chosen by school employees and students, will make up the new board for Aarhus School of Architecture. The school will have notable Danish and international profiles among executive management. The school is a leading artistic education and research institution and we have gathered the competences needed to ensure it continued development and profiling. I look forward personally to cooperation with the new board, says Higher Education Minister Morten Østergaard.

One of the new members is Ingelise Bogason (born 1949, MA), selected as chair of the board. She has wide-ranging board experience and has held various managing positions in the private sector. She also has a background in the education sector.

Nille Juul-Sørensen (born 1958, member of the Danish Architects’ Association) has been appointed as vice-chairman. He has recently been named CEO of the Danish Design Centre. From 2004, he was Associate Director at the Arup consultancy in London. Nille Juul-Sørensen has won numerous prizes, including for his work with the Copenhagen Metro.

Other members include:

Anna Valtonen (born 1974, designer) has been rector of Umeå Institute of Design since 2009. Between 1997 and 2009, she was employed by Nokia, most recently as head of an R&D department.

Peder Elgaard (born 1968, member of the Danish Architects’ Association), Royal Building Inspector, partner and technical director at Erik Møller Arkitekter A/S. He has also undertaken NORDMAK – the Nordic Master in Architectural Heritage.

Trine Berthold (born 1973, member of the Danish Architects’ Association), associate partner at Schmidt, Hammer, Lassen architects in Aarhus. Trine Berthold is nominated by the Danish Arts Agency.

As part of the autumn 2010 political agreement on artistic education, the Aarhus School of Architecture will have a board from now on. In connection with the recent election and new government, the school now falls under the auspices of the Higher Education Ministry.

Higher Education Minister Morten Østergaard can be contacted via press officer Ingeborg Nielsen, tel: +45 2211 0200 or email: imen@fivu.dk.

Board chairwoman Ingelise Bogason can be contacted at tel: +45 5128 5555 or email: ingelise@bogason.dk.

Rector for the Aarhus School of Architecture Torben Nielsen can be contacted at tel: +45 2268 7200 or email: torben.nielsen@aarch.dk.

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