Blueprint for the European Research Observatory for the Humanities and Social Sciences – EROHS

Danish Research Council for the Humanities and Danish Social Science Research Council. Report Compiled for the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Research Infrastructure in the Humanities and Social Sciences (RISSH)
May 01, 2004
: 87-90201-72-8
: The Danish Research Council for the Humanities and Danish Social Science Research Council, The Danish Research Agency
: 19
: 87-90201-72-8
: The Danish Research Council for the Humanities and Danish Social Science Research Council, The Danish Research Agency
: 19
About the publications
The humanities and social sciences are hampered by a raft of problems caused by the current state of research infrastructures at European level. This has severe consequences for the possibilities of conducting comparative European empirical research. Against this background a European strategy is proposed that addresses the current problems.
Document Actions
last modified
February 28, 2013