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A Public Good – PhD Education in Denmark

: April 19, 2006
: 87-91702-40-2
: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
: 121

About the publication

This report results from the work of an international evaluation panel, commissioned by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The panel has found that the education of PhD students in general works well and provides adequate training that meets high standards. The panel has observed only a few instances where the education of PhD students was conducted on a potentially substandard level, although it should be noted that PhD students are trained in scientific environments that themselves are not very strong.

The transition process, which started with the PhD reform in 1993, has come a long way, but has not reached far enough. It must continue and it should be stimulated to progress.

Several of the recommendations from the panel are designed to support concentration and differentiation across the entire national university system, as well as within individual universities.

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last modified January 02, 2013