The Ageing Society 2030 – Report by the Steering Group for the Strategic foresight on the ageing society 2030

: 87-90201-86-8
: The Danish Council for Strategic Research
: 48
Publikation fra Styrelsen for forskning og innovation
This report is a result of a study initiated by the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation in consultation with the Danish Council for Strategic Research in December 2004. The premise for the study was the anticipated growth in the number of people over the age of 60-65, resulting from the previous trend in the birth rate, the continued relatively low rate of fertility and the anticipated increase in average life expectancy.
These factors are inducing the emergence of an ageing society, which presents both challenges and opportunities. The purpose of the Steering Group's project was to establish a basis for implementing research activities that actively address the challenges and opportunities of an ageing society.
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