An evaluation of the Danish Innovation Assistant Programme - En effektmåling af Videnpilotordningen

: 978-87-92776-69-3
: Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation
: 2013
: 1
: 135
This impact analysis of the Innovation Assistant programme follows participants in the period of 2005-2010. Salary and employment developments for highly educated individuals who are employed as innovation assistants are compared with developments for similar highly educated individuals who do not make use of the programme. The analysis also compares growth and productivity developments for participating companies with highly similar non-participating companies.
The impact analysis finds brief employment effects but cannot show statistically significant lasting effects. The results indicate that participating companies experience higher growth in value added and net income, but a significant statistical uncertainty means that these results must be interpreted with care.
Background for the analysis
The Innovation Assistant programme is one of the Danish Council for Technology and Innovation’s instruments. As part of its evaluation strategy, the council has asked the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) to evaluate programme effects using the latest research methods.
With regard to methodology, variation of the analysis and the indicators taken into consideration, this impact analysis of the Innovation Assistant Programme is international best practice. It may serve as a standard for intervention evaluations that can be carried out if the established data quality of the treatment group is quite high, and highly detailed national registers with data time series for enterprises and individuals are available.
The analysis is written in English and includes executive summaries in Danish, English and German.
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