Recommendations from the Taskforce for More Women in Research

The taskforce for More Women in Research presented in April 2015 its recommendations to the Minister for Higher Education and Science.
April 30, 2015
: 978-87-93151-58-1
: 64
: 978-87-93151-58-1
: 64
How do we increase the share and number of women in research? To answer this question the minister for Higher Education and Science in December 2014 appointed a fast-moving taskforce for more women in research.
During the first months of 2015 the taskforce has discussed what can be done in the short run to increase the number and share of women in Danish research.
On the basis of a number of available analyses, reports and statistics the taskforce identified six focus areas and 24 specific suggestions for action aimed at universities, research councils, foundations and the political level.
In April 2015 the taskforce presented their recommendations to the minister.
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last modified
August 10, 2015