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Contact information 2023

On this page you can find the contact information of the members of The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy as well as the secretariat.

Contact details

Surname Name Position Phone E-mail
Blaabjerg Frede Professor, Aalborg University

+45 21292454

Bohni Steffen Director, The National Research Center for Work Environment +45 61155366 sbn@nfa.dk
Broeng Jes Professor and director, Technical University of Denmark +45 24253835 jesbo@dtu.dk
Birkedal Bruun Mette Professor and Head of Section, University of Copenhagen +45 24874648


Toft Frederiksen Poul Chief scientist, Grundfos  +45 23255050


Jess Tine Professor and Center Director, Aalborg University

+45 99407767

Nedergaard Søren COO, Novo Nordisk Fonden +45 41319293 sne@novo.dk
Nellemann Christine Provost, DTU +45 41584510 DTU-prorektor@dtu.dk
Tanggaard Lene

Professor, Aalborg University

+45 40781200


The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy is attended by an independent secretariat at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The secretariat and the council as a whole can be reached at:

Danmarks Forsknings og Innovationspolitiske Råd
Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet
Bredgade 40-42
DK-1260 København K
E-mail: dfir@ufm.dk


Document Actions

The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy
last modified February 27, 2025