The Danish Council for Strategic Research (DCSR) is a partner in the European ERA-NET SUStainable FOOD production and consumption (SUSFOOD). SUSFOOD now announces the first international joint call. The Council has allocated 500.000 Euro for the Danish participation.
Denmark participates in the ERA-NET Sustainable Food Production (SUSFOOD), which aims to enhance cooperation and synergy of European national research programs within sustainable food production.
The major challenges that Europe is facing calls for sustainable solutions in areas such as: Food security - to ensure enough food for a growing world population and a sustainable food production taking into account the ever decreasing supplies of energy, water, natural resources, and climate change.
At least three SUSFOOD partner countries have to be included in a consortium. The Council has allocated 500.000 euro for the call. The intention is to support more than one project. The projects are expected to proceed for a period of maximum three years.
- Read more about the SUSFOOD call and find relevant call-documents here
- National Guidelines for Transnational calls
There is pre-qualification with a deadline the 1 April, 2014.