The International Network Programme (INP) is aimed at giving researchers from both the public and the private sector an opportunity to establish networks with researchers from selected countries outside the EU of strategic priority to the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education.
Funding may be awarded to projects where there is not already an established collaboration between the project partners. The aim of the programme is to give researchers an opportunity to build the foundation for future cooperation and to explore new research partnerships of a potentially high value.
New opportunities for Arctic research networks In light of the Ministry’s ‘Strategy for Research and Education concerning the Arctic’ launched in November 2016, INP now welcomes applications specific to Arctic research networks. The objective, and one of the initiatives in the Strategy’s Action Plan, is to finance new international research networks with a view to establishing new collaborative relations within Arctic research.
Grants may be awarded to projects between researchers from Denmark and one or more of the following selected partner countries: China (incl. Hong Kong), India, Israel, Japan, USA, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, the Republic of Korea as well as Canada, Russia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
No active calls at the present
Relevant links
- Full call text (pdf)
- Template for estimated budget (word)
- Template for Declaration of aid under de minimis regulation (word)
- Create application (e-grant)
For questions regarding the call please contact Ea Elisabeth Bauchy, tlf.: +45 7231 8251, e-mail: or Anders Ødegaard, tel.: +45 7231 8492, e-mail:
For technical support please contact support helpdesk, tel.: +45 3392 9190 (workdays between 09:00 and 12:00 pm.), e-mail: You might also find answers on our FAQ-site: FAQ for