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Idea and Selection of Calls

You should have three key words in mind when preparing your project proposal and your application for Horizon Europe: Calls, topic and work programme.

Idea and Selection of Calls

When searching through the opportunities for funding through Horizon Europe and preparing your project proposal, the following three key words are crucial:

1. Calls
2. Topic
3. Work programme


To find the adequate funding opportunity for your idea you must first find a relevant call and topic. Calls are the concrete areas within which you can apply. The calls and their deadlines are typically published every two years, but it depends on the programme in question.

The calls are published by the European Commission on their Funding & Tenders portal. The calls describe the general framework such as research and innovation topics, deadlines, budget, etc.

The Funding & Tenders portal has the following entries:

  • Open calls that you can apply for (open for submission)
  • Closed calls where deadline has passed (closed)
  • Forthcoming calls not yet open for application (forthcoming).


Each call consists of a number of specific topics. These describe the concrete challenges for which the European Commission wants suggested solutions. Your project proposal must closely reflect the expectations and objectives described in the topic text.

Work Programme

The calls are described in biannual work programmes defining the objectives of the different programmes under Horizon Europe.

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024