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Danish funding programmes

Overview of the Danish funding programmes for research and innovation.

Danish funds

Independent Research Fund Denmark

Grants for independent research based on the researchers’ own ideas within all fields of science

Innovantion Fund Denmark

Innovation Fund Denmark invests in research and innovation that solves challenges in society and creates value for Denmark.

Danish National Research FoundationDanmarks Grundforskningsfond

The Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) funds outstanding basic research of the highest international level at the frontiers of all research fields to strengthen the development of Danish research.


Support to the preparatory work of Danish companies and knowledge institutions with a view to participating in selected European and international research programmes.

The Horizon Europe Pre-evaluation Scheme

The Pre-evaluation Scheme provides funds for a thorough and unbiased pre-evaluation of draft Horizon Europe applications conducted by two external experts. The scheme is an offer for coordinators in Denmark.

Eu and International funding programnmes

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last modified July 24, 2024