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Open Funds

Support for collaborative projects between companies and knowledge institutions, the purpose of which is to strengthen the interaction.

Who can apply and what is the time-limit for applications?

Knowledge and similar institutions, and companies

Application deadline: Currently closed for application

Schemes are for projects that do not come under already familiar forms of collaboration and existing means and measures to support interaction.

An application for Open funds must not qualify to fit into existing schemes for interaction between companies and knowledge institutions.

What can you apply for support for?

An innovation project that must involve the participation of both companies and knowledge institutions.

Applications must focus on the new and the innovative

This may be:

  • New methods of consolidating the interaction between private companies and public knowledge institutions.
  • Involvement of new partners, typically ones not participating in publicly financed collaboration projects.
  • New specialist areas that offer great potential but find themselves gridlocked owing to the existing schemes’ requirements concerning current business potential.


It is therefore stipulated that the project:

  • must have the participation of both companies and knowledge institutions
  • must have a novelty value and some generic interest, i.e.
    interest a wider circle than just those companies taking part
  • must be designed in the form of an agreement between the parties involved, in which the objectives, success criteria and anticipated effects of the project are laid out clearly
    the results must subsequently be conveyed to a wider circle.
    In addition, the project:
  • may not be tailored to any one particular company to such an extent that the broader utilitarian value of the project disappears
  • may not be by way of product development for individual undertakings
  • may not have a distorting effect on competition.

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024