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Pre-evaluation of Applications for Horizon Europe - Collaborative Projects

Get a free, thorough and unbiased pre-evaluation of your draft Horizon Europe application conducted by up to two external expert evaluators. The pre-evaluation scheme is an offer for coordinators in Denmark applying for funds from Horizon Europe for a collaborative project on research or innovation.

The purpose of the scheme is to enhance the quality of Danish coordinator applications giving them a higher success rate in EU evaluations. A thorough review by expert evaluators can detect and remove errors and defects, thereby improving the quality of the application. In this way, a pre-evaluation can help paving the way for a successful application in the final Horizon Europe evaluation.

The scheme provides funds for each coordinator application to be reviewed by two pre-evaluators. The coordinator is free to choose up to two external evaluators whose specific competences are most suitable for evaluating the application. It is also possible to enter agreements on a pre-evaluation with qualified evaluators outside Denmark.

Who can Apply?

The scheme is aimed at coordinators of applications for Horizon Europe collaborative projects where the coordinator is employed in Denmark.

A collaborative project is defined as a project with at least three participants from three different EU Member States and associated countries.

When to Apply

A registration under the scheme can take place at any time of the year, but it must be made no later than seven days before the Horizon Europe deadline.

What can be Funded?

The Agency for Higher Education and Science pays up to DKK 4,500 to each pre-evaluator for an evaluation of the application.

This amount reflects an hourly rate of DKK 600 incl. overhead and a time consumption for each evaluation of up to 7.5 hours.

The research project in itself is not funded.

Guidelines for the Pre-evaluation Scheme

How to Apply for Pre-evaluation

In the table below, the different steps of the application are explained. It is important that deadlines are complied with.

When Who What
No later than seven days before Horizon Europe deadline Coordinator

Create a file in e-grant

It is recommended to enter an agreement early on in the process.


Make an agreement on pre-evaluation with up to two expert evaluators. The two evaluators must not be employed at the same institution as the coordinator, and they must not be involved in the Horizon Europe application.

Enter names, place of employment, and e-mail of the two pre-evaluators in e-grant.

 Send the right evaluation form (se below) to the pre-evaluators. Note that all main sections of the application must be pre-evaluated.

No later than 72 hours before Horizon Europe deadline Coordinator Send the draft Horizon Europe application to the pre-evaluators and upload it at the same time on the file in e-grant.
No later than 24 hours before Horizon Europe deadline

Upload the filled in pre-evaluation forms to e-grant.

This deadline must be complied with for the Agency to pay the fee to the pre-evaluators.

Subsequently Coordinator

Upload the fee form on the file in e-grant.

When fee form has been uploaded Agency for Higher Education and Science Payment of fee to pre-evaluators.

Evaluation Forms

The evaluation form can be retrieved from the European Comission's website under "template and forms" and "evaluation forms". 


Christian Holstein
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 66
Email: cho@ufm.dk

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024