By the deadline of April 29th 2013 the Council had received approximately 93 applications for Individual postdoctoral grants. The total amount applied for was approximately 179 mil. DKK.
Please find below the list of applications that the Council, on its meeting the 19th to the 20th of September 2013, decided to support with either a full or limited grant. On the list, also please find the grants for Research stays abroad which the council has supported up to September 4th 2013.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to adjust the granted amounts listed. Changes to the granted amount may, for instance, be adjusted if overlapping grants are awarded from other funding sources, or if the overhead rate has been inaccurately applied. Specific requirements may also be attached to individual grants.
Grant letters and rejection letters will be sent out early October 2013. All correspondence will be sent to the e-mail address included on the electronic application form. On the basis of the conditions and evaluation criteria set out in the Call, the letters of rejection will contain a brief explanation pointing out the main academic reasons, why the grant has not been awarded.
DFF-Individuel Postdoctoral Grants
Project Title: Joint Modeling of Road Users’ Risk Taking Behavior, Safety Decisions and Road Crash Outcomes
Grant Recipient: Kibrom Araya Abay
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,929,969
Project Title: Negotiating and contesting citizenship and property in an informal urban settlement in Accra, Ghana
Grant Recipient: Paul Austin Stacey
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,788,707
Project Title: Giants and mice: American actions and reactions vis-à-vis Danish foreign policy since the creation of NATO
Grant Recipient: Mikkel Runge Olesen
Place of Employment: DIIS - Danish Institute for International Studies
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,597,416
Project Title: The Link between Offending and Victimization: Evidence from Offender-Victim Linked Reigster Data
Grant Recipient: Cédric Jean-Laurent Elie Gorinas
Place of Employment: The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,884,597
Project Title: Wealth Inequality: The Role of Inheritance and Taxation of Wealth
Grant Recipient: Simon Halphen Boserup
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,778,986
Project Title: The Moral Economy of Families – Intergenerational Exchanges and Normative Expectations
Grant Recipient: Bella Margrethe Mørch Marckmann
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,953,357
Project Title: The atlas of legal evolution: An empirical analysis of European legal development
Grant Recipient: Urska Sadl
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,745,833
Project Title: The dynamics of elite circulation in contemporary democracies
Grant Recipient: Conor Edward Little
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,593,440
Project Title: How do We Insure People with Multiple Sources of Risks?
Grant Recipient: Jimmy Martinez-Correa
Place of Employment: Copenhagen Business School
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,643,679
Project Title: Governing the social through mobility: internal migration and the rescaling of social citizenship in the European Union and China
Grant Recipient: Chenchen Zhang
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,590,836
Project Title: Information Aggregation in Legislatures: The Role of Individual Values
Grant Recipient: Rune Midjord
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,649,693
Project Title: Natural Selection and Economic Growth
Grant Recipient: Marc Patrick Brag Klemp
Place of Employment: Copenhagen University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,769,685
Project Title: The Price of Risk
Grant Recipient: Francesco Violante
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,677,712
FSE-Research Stays Abroad
Project Title: Rural tranquility i et visuelt og auditivt perspektiv
Grant Recipient: Pia Heike Johansen
Place of Employment: Syddansk Universitet
Awarded Amount: DKK 258,408
Project Title: Forskningsophold ved University College London (UCL), Centre for Law and the Environment
Grant Recipient: Helle Tegner Anker
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: DKK 154,584
Project Title: IT challenges in Mergers and Acquisitions
Grant Recipient: Bengt Stefan Henningsson
Place of Employment: Copenhagen Business School
Awarded Amount: DKK 167,328
Project Title: When and How Enclave Deliberation Leads to Extremism
Grant Recipient: Lasse Lindekilde
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: DKK 349,387
DFF-Research Project 2
Project Title: New Lessons from Historical Labor Markets: Using a unique Danish data source to answer key questions in economics
Grant Recipient: Peter Sandholt Jensen
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,802,240