The Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences awards 33 FSS-Pregraduate scholarships to research talents in Denmark to the sum of approximately DKK 5,4 million. The grant recipients are listed below.
The grants are awarded within the framework of the Danish Council for Independent Research’s E2013 and F2014 call.
Grant letters will be forwarded to the recipients as soon as possible. Rejection letters will include a brief text, explaining the main academic reasons for the project not obtaining a grant.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to make adjustments.
Project Title: Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics and Evaluation of Treatment in Boys and Girls with Constitutionally Tall Stature.
Grant Recipient: Anders Juul
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 123.720
Project Title: Effekten af frisk frosset plasma på koagulationen hos kritisk syge patienter
Grant Recipient: Anne-Mette Hvas
Place of Employment: Århus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 144.340
Project Title: Endometriosis and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome
Grant Recipient: Axel Forman
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet, Skejby Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 172.800
Project Title: Estimation of the cell population in the subcortical white matter in Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) patients and controls
Grant Recipient: Bente Pakkenberg
Place of Employment: Bispebjerg Hospital Neurologisk afd. N
Awarded Amount: 154.010
Project Title: Influence of microglia on migrating tumor cells in glioblastoma
Grant Recipient: Bjarne Winther Kristensen
Place of Employment: Region Syddanmark
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Hovedpine som bivirkning til dialysebehandling, et pilotstudie om hovedpinemekanismer
Grant Recipient: Christina Kruuse
Place of Employment: Herlev Hospital
Awarded Amount: 139.185
Grant Recipient: David Woldbye
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Effekten af remote iskæmisk prækonditionering på dannelse og nedbrydning af tromber
Grant Recipient: Erik Carsten Lerkevang Grove
Place of Employment: Århus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 144.340
Project Title: Antibiotikaeksponering tidligt i livet og vækst i barndommen
Grant Recipient: Hans Bisgaard
Place of Employment: Den Selvejende institution Dansk BørneAstma Center
Awarded Amount: 136.164
Project Title: Characterization of single nucletide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human GPRC6A receptor
Grant Recipient: Hans Bräuner-Osborne
Place of Employment: KU - SUND - Symbion - Kbh Ø
Awarded Amount: 129.600
Project Title: Makrofagaktivering, bedømt ved makrofagmarkørerne sCD163 og sCD206, som tegn på tidlig leverskade ved paracetamol forgiftning
Grant Recipient: Henning Grønbæk
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital
Awarded Amount: 162.382
Project Title: The risk of interstitial lung diseases following antigen exposure: a long-term study of pigeon breeders exposed to avian proteins
Grant Recipient: Henrik Albert Kolstad
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital, Århus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 154.650
Project Title: miR-130a som regulator af neutrofil celleproliferation ved repression af tumorsuppressoren Mxd1
Grant Recipient: Jack Cowland
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 154.650
Project Title: Plastic changes in spinal neuronal circuitries following spinal cord lesion and botulinum toxin injection in the rat
Grant Recipient: Jens Bo Nielsen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 172.800
Project Title: TMS electrochemotherapy - a new treatment of glioblastoma brain cancer
Grant Recipient: Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Acute effects of Growth Hormone on Gene Expression in Human Adipose Tissue in Vivo: Impact of Gender
Grant Recipient: Jens Otto Lunde Jørgensen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Is recovery of lactation-induced bone loss influenced by immobilization?
Grant Recipient: Jesper Skovhus Thomsen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: MRI studier på patienter med Becker og limb-girdle type 2I muskeldystrofi
Grant Recipient: John Vissing
Place of Employment: Region Hovedstaden
Awarded Amount: 120.000
Project Title: Vasomotor effects of patients' pericardial and perivascular adipose tissues.
Grant Recipient: Jozef Gabriel R de Mey
Place of Employment: Syddansk Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Pharmacological targeting of the scaffolding protein PICK1 in cocaine addiction
Grant Recipient: Kenneth Lindegaard Madsen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: In vivo koncentrationsmåling af cefuroxim i columna vertebralis og discus intervertebralis vha. mikrodialyse
Grant Recipient: Kjeld Søballe
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital
Awarded Amount: 144.340
Project Title: The adipokine resistin's role as link between obesity and psoriasis
Grant Recipient: Lars Iversen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: The potential of RGTA11 as a healing agent for colonic anastomoses and abdominal midline incisions
Grant Recipient: Lars Nannestad Jørgensen
Place of Employment: Bispebjerg Hospital
Awarded Amount: 137.008
Project Title: The cellular immunogenicity of HPV-vaccines in adults with HIV infection
Grant Recipient: Lars Østergaard
Place of Employment: Aarhus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 123.720
Project Title: Correlation of physical-chemical characteristics of excipients with their ability to stabilize protein liquid formulations.
Grant Recipient: Lene Jørgensen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 129.600
Project Title: Measurement of intracranial pressure with a non-invasive method
Grant Recipient: Marianne Juhler
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 140.000
Project Title: Impact of psychiatric disorders on intensive care unit treatment after colorectal cancer surgery; admission rate, quality of care and mortality
Grant Recipient: Mette Nørgaard
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital, Århus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 201.565
Project Title: Does arterial clamping affect cryo-lesion size when treating central renal tumours?
Grant Recipient: Michael Borre
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 215.712
Project Title: Starter Parkinsons sygdom i gastrointestinale nerveender mange år før symptom debut?
Grant Recipient: Per Borghammer
Place of Employment: Aarhus Sygehus
Awarded Amount: 146.402
Project Title: Incidens, prævalens og prognose for patienter med leveradenomer
Grant Recipient: Peter Jepsen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital
Awarded Amount: 162.382
Project Title: Correlation between FDG-uptake and enzyme activity/expression in lymphomas (PET-GHG)
Grant Recipient: Poul Flemming Høilund-Carlsen
Place of Employment: Region Syddanmark
Awarded Amount: 150.000
Project Title: The influence of bile acid on GLP-1 secretion and glucose metabolism after gastric bypass surgery
Grant Recipient: Sten Madsbad
Place of Employment: Region Hovedstaden
Awarded Amount: 82.480
Project Title: Koagulopati hos patienter med kronisk hepatitis C infektion
Grant Recipient: Susanne Dam Poulsen
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 154.650