The grants are awarded within the framework of the Danish Council for Independent Research’s E2013 and F2014 + YDUN call, with the aim of strengthening the utilization of talent in Danish research by promoting a more balanced gender composition of the research environments in Denmark.
Grant letters will be forwarded to the recipients as soon as possible. Rejection letters will include a brief text, explaining the main academic reasons for the project not obtaining a grant.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to make adjustments. A very limited number of applicants have been admitted to a waiting list and they will be contacted directly.
Project Title: Papal Communication and Authority in the Central Middle Ages
Grant Recipient: Iben Fonnesberg-Schmidt
Place of Employment: Aalborg Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,462,540 DKK
Project Title: Uncertain Archives: Adapting Cultural Theories of the Archive to Understand the Risks and Potentials of Big Data
Grant Recipient: Kristin Eva Albrechsen Veel
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,453,580 DKK
Grant Recipient: Marleen de Bruijne
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,466,946 DKK
Project Title: QWeb: Querying the Web of Data easily and efficiently
Grant Recipient: Katja Hannelore Hose
Place of Employment: Aalborg Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,474,204 DKK
Project Title: Chemical Production of 3D Graphene Biocatalysts for Enzymatic Biofuel Cells
Grant Recipient: Jingdong Zhang
Place of Employment: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,419,186 DKK
Project Title: “Sense and sensibility” - zinc-sensors and signals in plants
Grant Recipient: Ana Assuncao
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,379,200 DKK
Project Title: Reconstructing the history of the present day Greenlandic population with genetics
Grant Recipient: Ida Moltke
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,479,471 DKK
Project Title: Galaxy building blocks: Dwarf galaxies at high redshifts
Grant Recipient: Lise Bech Christensen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,457,791 DKK
Grant Recipient: Nadja Møbjerg Jørgensen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 5,592,126 DKK
Project Title: The upgraded Large Hadron Collider at CERN in 2015 : Higgs precision physics and search for lepton flavour violation
Grant Recipient: Stefani Xella
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,069,915 DKK
Project Title: Shareholders' duties
Grant Recipient: Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 4,328,153 DKK
Project Title: How do welfare systems manage citizens with complex problems?
Grant Recipient: Bagga Bjerge
Place of Employment: Center for Rusmiddelforskning
Awarded Amount: 6,382,890 DKK
Project Title: Histone Recycling and Cellular Memory
Grant Recipient: Anja Groth
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,471,360 DKK
Project Title: The molecular mechanisms of heart disease -utilizing high resolution proteomics to identify key drivers of heart failure
Grant Recipient: Alicia Lundby
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,468,985 DKK
Project Title: Anti-angiogenic imbalance -- the missing link between preeclampsia, cardiac disease and cancer?
Grant Recipient: Heather Allison Boyd
Place of Employment: Statens Serum Institut
Awarded Amount: 6,447,744 DKK
Grant Recipient: Lisbeth Schmidt Laursen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,461,384 DKK
Project Title: Hypoxic regulation of cancer associated fibroblasts
Grant Recipient: Janine Terra Erler
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 6,393,600 DKK