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FSS-Pregraduate scholarships from Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences - January 2015

The result of the Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences’ call for FSS-Pregraduate scholarships 2015, is hereby announced. A total of 29 grants has been awarded.

By the deadline of the 23. October 2014 the Council had received 102 applications for FSS-Pregraduate scholarships. The total amount applied for was approximately 17 mio. DKK.

Please find below the list of applications that the Council has decided to support with either a full or limited grant.

Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to adjust the granted amounts listed. Changes to the granted amount may, for instance, be adjusted if overlapping grants are awarded from other funding sources, or if the overhead rate has been inaccurately applied. Specific requirements may also be attached to individual grants.

Grant letters and rejection letters will be sent out during January 2015. All correspondence will be sent to the e-mail address included on the electronic application form. On the basis of the conditions and evaluation criteria set out in the Call, the letters of rejection will contain a brief explanation pointing out the main academic reasons, why the grant has not been awarded.


Project Title: Alkoholindtag og translokation af bakterier og bakterielle produkter til portalveneblod målt ved portalvene-kateterisation
Grant Recipient: Aleksander Ahm Krag
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: 216.000 / Withdrawn

Project Title: CD8 T-celle hukommelse: hvordan identificerer vi den "bedste" hukommelsescelle?
Grant Recipient: Allan Randrup Thomsen
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Exploring the heritability of methylation and gene expression levels of obesity associated HIF3A gene
Grant Recipient: Allan Vaag
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 72.170

Project Title: Impact of H1N1 influenza vaccination on child morbidity in Guinea-Bissau
Grant Recipient: Ane Bærent Fisker
Place of Employment: Statens Serum Institut
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: "Freeze-all" strategy in assisted reproduction - Patients′ attitudes and expectations
Grant Recipient: Anja Pinborg
Place of Employment: Hvidovre Hospital
Awarded Amount: 149.495

Project Title: P2X7 receptor signaling in cancer-induced bone pain
Grant Recipient: Anne-Marie Heegaard
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: 144.000

Project Title: Characterization of IL-17A-mediated IκBζ expression in human keratinocytes: a possible role in the psoriasis pathogenesis
Grant Recipient: Claus Johansen
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 172.800

Project Title: Determining the nature of brain inflammation in Alzheimer's disease with PET
Grant Recipient: David James Brooks
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Re-operation due to post-surgical bleeding in breast cancer patients and breast cancer recurrence: a Danish population-based cohort study
Grant Recipient: Deirdre Patricia Cronin-Fenton
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000 / Withdrawn

Project Title: Action of somatostatin and analogues on human lymphatic vessels
Grant Recipient: Donna Marie Briggs Bødtkjer
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Prosocial properties of oxytocin: Neuropsychological signatures and the role of serotonin
Grant Recipient: Gitte Moos Knudsen
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 154.650

Project Title: New insights on the behavior of nanomedicines in the intestine: evaluating the impact of the steric mucus barrier on particle mobility in intestinal mucosa
Grant Recipient: Hanne Mørck Nielsen
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: 115.200

Project Title: KIM-1 and megalin interaction – implications for acute kidney injury and regeneration.
Grant Recipient: Henrik Birn
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Diagnostiske aspekter ved Hyperinsulinisme
Grant Recipient: Henrik Christesen
Place of Employment: Odense Universitetshospital
Awarded Amount: 61.860

Project Title: Behandling med Temozolomide og peptidvaccination mod metastatisk malignt melanom.
Grant Recipient: Inge Marie Svane
Place of Employment: Herlev Hospital
Awarded Amount: 82.480

Project Title: Sampling information for the guidance of actions
Grant Recipient: Jacqueline Gottlieb
Place of Employment: Columbia University
Awarded Amount: 148.140

Project Title: Impact of a prolonged (in vivo) hyperglycaemia on IGF-I signalling
Grant Recipient: Jan Frystyk
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Diastolisk dysfunktion vurderet ved konventionelle, avancerede og potentielle ekkokardiografiske parametre
Grant Recipient: Jan Skov Jensen
Place of Employment: Gentofte hospital
Awarded Amount: 123.720

Project Title: Are leptin effects in psoriatic skin mediated through the leptin receptor?
Grant Recipient: Karin Stenderup Dokkedahl
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: The role of oxidative stress in ECT treatment: Difference in young and old rats?
Grant Recipient: Martin Balslev Jørgensen
Place of Employment: Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: 154.650

Project Title: Cortical alpha waves as a neural correlate of attention
Grant Recipient: Morten Storm Overgaard
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 195.840

Project Title: Kardiovaskulære Biomarkører ved Præeclampsi Triage
Grant Recipient: Niels Tørring
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Immune competence and inflammation during treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor romidepsin in HIV patients
Grant Recipient: Ole Schmeltz Søgaard
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 172.800

Project Title: Does Exposure to Air Pollution Modify Beneficial Effects of Physical Activity on Diabetes Risk? A Cohort Study
Grant Recipient: Steffen Loft
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: 115.200

Project Title: Immunodeficiency and the lectin pathway of complement
Grant Recipient: Steffen Thiel
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Effekten af forskellige makronæringsstoffer på frisætningen af tarmhormoner, efter gastric bypass operation, specielt med fokus på Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1)
Grant Recipient: Sten Madsbad
Place of Employment: Hvidovre Hospital
Awarded Amount: 82.480

Project Title: Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration by anti-VEGF Gene Therapy
Grant Recipient: Thomas Corydon
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Natriuretic peptide and remote ischemic postconditioning after hypoxia-ischemia in newborns
Grant Recipient: Tine Brink Henriksen
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Project Title: Impact of angiotensin AT2-receptor stimulation on diabetic vasculopathy
Grant Recipient: Ulrike Steckelings
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: 216.000

Document Actions

last modified April 08, 2016