The grants are awarded within the framework of the Danish Council for Independent Research’s E2015 and F2016 call, with the aim of providing younger researchers the best possible conditions for producing outstanding research results at a high international level.
Grant letters will be forwarded to the recipients as soon as possible. Rejection letters will include a brief text, explaining the main academic reasons for the project not obtaining a grant.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to make budgetary adjustments.
Project Title: The Invisible Risks of Derivatives Valuation Models
Grant Recipient: Andrea Barletta
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,546,926
Project Title: Understanding the Labour Market Effects of Legalising Undocumented Immigrants
Grant Recipient: Ferran Elias Moreno
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,158,373
Project Title: Community-based Governance and Monitoring: A Randomized Field Experiment in Ethiopia
Grant Recipient: Goytom Abraha Kahsay
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,835,050
Project Title: What Makes Partisans Think Again? Causal Frames and Partisan Motivated Reasoning
Grant Recipient: Joshua Andrew Robison
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,709,107
Project Title: Combating Tax Avoidance and Protecting the Internal Market - EU VAT Grouping (COMBAT)
Grant Recipient: Karina Kim Egholm Elgaard
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,514,929
Project Title: Removing illicit products from online marketplaces: Private enforcement tools as alternatives to court actions.
Grant Recipient: Knud Wallberg
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,563,087
Project Title: The Impact of School Composition and Reception Classes on Refugee Children’s School Outcomes: Quasi-experimental Evidence
Grant Recipient: Kristine Vasiljeva
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,682,055
Project Title: Doom loops: The links between sovereign defaults and banking crises
Grant Recipient: Laura Sunder-Plassmann
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,630,812
Project Title: Islamic State: A state, a state-to-be or a non-state actor?
Grant Recipient: Maria-Louise Clausen
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,629,132
Project Title: The European Banking Union through a Constitutional Prism
Grant Recipient: Niels Skovmand Rasmussen
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,756,800
Project Title: Effects of migration – Evidence from historical Denmark
Grant Recipient: Nina Boberg-Fazlic
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,700,878
Project Title: Can tax incentives explain excessive corporate cash holdings?
Grant Recipient: Ramona Westermann
Place of Employment: Copenhagen Business School
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,872,351
Project Title: Aftershock: Nature, Tourism, and the Political Economy of Post-Disaster
Grant Recipient: Rune Bolding Bennike
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Rewarded Amount: DKK 1,736,296