In addition, one grant is interdisciplinary between DFF | Medical Sciences and DFF | Technology and Production Sciences.
The grants are awarded within the framework of the Danish Council for Independent Research’s E2016 and F2017 call, with the aim of providing researchers in Denmark the best possible conditions for producing outstanding research results at a high international level based on their own initative.
Grant and rejection letters will be forwarded to all applicants as soon as possible.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to make budgetary adjustments. A very limited number of applicants have been admitted to a waiting list and they will be contacted directly.
DFF-Research Project 1
Project Title: BRAIN-PENNANO: BRAIN-PENetrating cubosomal and hexosomal NANOcarriers for glioma-targeting delivery
Grant Recipient: Anan Yaghmur
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,591,817
Project Title: Immobilization and stabilization of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (ISP450)
Grant Recipient: Anders Egede Daugaard
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,547,868
Project Title: Two-Photon Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy through Fibres (T-SPIF)
Grant Recipient: Anders Kragh Hansen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,591,183
Project Title: Micro-SPEEED - Micro-Scale Screening Platform for Enantiospecific Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Drugs.
Grant Recipient: Andreas Kretschmann
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,509,823
Project Title: Exploring the vulnerability of cancer stem cells to Auger-electrons
Grant Recipient: Birgitte Brinkmann Olsen
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,587,680
Project Title: Agrobacterium rhizogenes ORFs 11-15 SPEcific roles in Compact plant Traits: a phenotypic to transcriptomic approach (ASPECT)
Grant Recipient: Henrik Vlk Lütken
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,543,040
Project Title: Fundamental understanding of viscoelastic flow instabilities: The key to FUTURE filament based 3d-PRINTers (FUTUREPRINT)
Grant Recipient: Jon Spangenberg
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,568,928
Project Title: The Role of Aluminum in Calcium Silicate Hydrate Phases of Hydrated Portland Cement Blends
Grant Recipient: Jørgen Skibsted
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,506,283
Project Title: Getting the most out of magnetocaloric materials for high efficiency refrigeration
Grant Recipient: Kaspar Kirstein Nielsen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,592,000
Project Title: The melting tablet: a new concept for the delivery of poorly soluble drugs
Grant Recipient: Korbinian Löbmann
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,524,818
Project Title: Athermal Silicon Waveguide Platform for Temperature-Insensitive Photonic Integration
Grant Recipient: Lars Hagedorn Frandsen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,591,158
Project Title: Selective Prodrugs for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Grant Recipient: Mads Hartvig Clausen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,589,516
Project Title: Antibody engineering facilitated by avidity
Grant Recipient: Magnus Kjærgaard
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,591,605
Project Title: In Situ Raman Analysis of Resorbable and Drug Loaded 3D printed Implants
Grant Recipient: Martin Aage Barsøe Hedegaard
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,570,400
Project Title: GIGA - Gas Interchange between Groundwater and Air
Grant Recipient: Massimo Rolle
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,591,424
Project Title: CHLO-RIDD - Avoiding toxicity of chloroplast metabolons by hijacking a eukaryotic stress response
Grant Recipient: Mathias Pribil
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,555,976
Project Title: 3D Nano-biointerfaces Capture Circulating Tumor Cells for Metastasis Prognosis and Modelling
Grant Recipient: Menglin Chen
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,586,077
Project Title: Tailoring the Structure of Disordered Solids using Statistical Mechanics
Grant Recipient: Morten Mattrup Smedskjær
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,576,561
Project Title: DeBaTe - Density-Based Techniques in Control Engineering
Grant Recipient: Rafael Wisniewski
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,574,928
Project Title: Remodeling in atrial fibrillation – establishing a new large animal model
Grant Recipient: Rikke Buhl
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,533,880
Project Title: COPL - COnsortia based Production of biochemicals from Lignocellulosic biomass
Grant Recipient: Sheila Ingemann Jensen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,269,853
Project Title: Approximate Bayesian Computation in Radio Channel Modeling: a Step Towards Automated Calibration
Grant Recipient: Troels Pedersen
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,590,254
Project Title: The Invention of New Catalytic Processes for the Conversion of Lignin to High Value Chemicals
Grant Recipient: Troels Skrydstrup
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,515,745
Project Title: ActFun: Activation of Silent Gene Clusters for Secondary Metabolite Production in Fungi using a Synthetic Biology Approach based on CRISPR/Cas9
Grant Recipient: Uffe Hasbro Mortensen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,953,449
Project Title: Compositional Verification of Real-time MULTI-CORE SAFETY Critical Systems
Grant Recipient: Ulrik Mathias Nyman
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,890,704
Project Title: Modeling pig entorhinal cortex development in a dish for creation of Alzheimer's disease relevant neurons
Grant Recipient: Vanessa Hall
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,591,908
Project Title: A Novel Archaeal Virus-Based Nanoplatform
Grant Recipient: Xu Peng
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,590,637
DFF-Research Project 2
Grant Recipient: Anne Ladegaard Skov
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,904,000
Project Title: Strategies and Barriers to avoid the spread of Antibiotic Resistance genes during Wastewater Treatment
Grant Recipient: Barth Smets
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,876,202
Project Title: Advanced Damage Models with InTrinsic Size Effects
Grant Recipient: Christian F. Niordson
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,073,606
Project Title: Cell-Less Wireless Networks (CELEST)
Grant Recipient: Elisabeth Gloria De Carvalho
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,876,179
Project Title: Non-obvious antibiotic resistance genes in therapy and diagnostics
Grant Recipient: Hanne Ingmer
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,384,024
Project Title: Phosphorus capture and recycling by magnetically anchored single sheet sorbents (MagS3)
Grant Recipient: Hans Christian Bruun Hansen
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,777,240
Project Title: Data Science on the Desktop
Grant Recipient: Ira Assent
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,867,899
Project Title: The "Spin Bank" – turning electron spin on and off
Grant Recipient: Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,009,808
Grant Recipient: Jens Laurids Sørensen
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 5.477.743
Project Title: Intelligibility-Aware Hearing Assistive Devices
Grant Recipient: Jesper Jensen
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,255,449
Project Title: Green chemical production using ecological control strategies
Grant Recipient: Krist Victor Bernard Gernaey
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,520,265
Project Title: Designer venoms for discovery of novel bioactive compounds
Grant Recipient: Lars Ellgaard
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,583,746
Project Title: EcoTech: From ecology to technology - Unraveling of the bioactive potential of marine bacteria
Grant Recipient: Lone Kirsten Gram
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,882,456
Project Title: Inhibition and control of Maillard reactions in dairy foods by plant polyphenols
Grant Recipient: Marianne Nissen Lund
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,903,427
Project Title: CoolMod – Two-phase cooling of power modules
Grant Recipient: Martin Ryhl Kærn
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,472,346
Project Title: Lean fungus – A secretion-minimalized synthetic super strain
Grant Recipient: Mikael Rørdam Andersen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,796,739
Project Title: Carbon Neutral Energy Production by Hydrate Swapping
Grant Recipient: Nicolas Smit von Solms
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,670,792
Project Title: Automatic decomposition of mixed integer linear problems (AutoDec)
Grant Recipient: Stefan Røpke
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 3,116,374
Project Title: Unravelling the role of inflammation in osteoarthritis: insights obtained from an equine disease model by innovative molecular biological techniques
Grant Recipient: Stine Jacobsen
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 4,178,684
Project Title: A comprehensive approach to the production of the bioactive cucurbitacin triterpenoids
Grant Recipient: Søren Bak
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,816,304
Project Title: Impacts of Physical Root Barriers and Passage Cells on the Efficiency of Plant Nutrient Uptake and Translocation in Barley
Grant Recipient: Søren Husted
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,842,080
Project Title: Mixed interstitial phases; a novel approach to tailoring the surface properties of titanium
Grant Recipient: Thomas Christiansen
Place of Employment: Technical University of Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 5,762,512
Interdisciplinary grant
Project Title: Ligand-mimicking antibody-drug conjugates for targeting scavenger receptors (interdisciplinary grant between DFF | Medical Sciences and DFF | Technology and Production Sciences)
Grant Recipient: Søren Kragh Moestrup
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,592,000