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Individual Fellowships grantees

Read about researcher who have received an Individual Fellowships, which makes it possible for them to carry out their projects at Danish Universities.

Towards environmentally friendly wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment processes produce/emit greenhouse gas and therefore represent an important contributor to global climate change. Through integrating advanced modelling, simulation, optimization and control techniques with full-scale experimentation, this project with a particular focus on greenhouse gas reduction aims to develop practical tools to support the sustainable design, operation and optimization of wastewater treatment plants.

The Individual Fellow who will carry out the project is Dr. Xueming Chen, who was awarded his doctorate in 2017.

Titel: Advanced modelling and control of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants (AMACONOE)
Host organisation: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
Host supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Gürkan Sin from the Process and Systems Engineering Center (PROSYS) at DTU
MSCA funding: EUR 200.194,80 over 2 years

A GENIUS plan for secure communication

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are essential to modern society as the internet is pervading all aspects of our lives. Limitations to the communications rates possible in this regard are imposed by quantum mechanics. At the same time, given the significance of ICT, being able to communicate and send information securely via the internet is of ever increasing importance. Determining the limitations of communication rates as well as gaining new insights into the maximum rate for secure communication that can be achieved by the forthcoming generation of Quantum Key Distribution devices and thus proving their perfect security are the two challenges that this project addresses.

The Individual Fellow who will carry out the project is Dr. Giacomo De Palma from Italy.

Titel: Gaussian entropic inequalities and uncertainty relations for communication and secure quantum key distribution (GENIUS)
Host organisation: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Copenhagen University
Host supervisor: Prof. Jan Philip Solovej at Copenhagen University
MSCA funding: EUR 200.194 over 2 years

Wellbeing in European education systems

Happiness and wellbeing are nowadays hot trends within science and society. Quality of Life (QoL) statistical indexes are becoming more and more popular and aim at replacing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) index. By adopting a theoretical critical and systemic approach, this project wants to investigate the impact that “QoL Initiatives” and its underlying values have on European education and school systems, in particular the impact on schooling experiences of students and schools staff. Moreover, it will provide theoretical and analytical framework for the implementation of future wellbeing policies and practices within European education systems.

The Individual Fellow who will carry out the project is Denis Francesconi, who was awarded his doctorate in 2010.

Project: School for Quality of Life. Policy, practice and theory for a quality of life approach in European school systems.
Host organization: Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Partner organisation: The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), Rome, Italy.
MSCA funding: EUR 200.194,00 over 2 years.


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last modified August 15, 2019