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Denmark - India

India is the world's most populous democracy and a rapidly developing country with a young population and strong ambitions in research and technology.

In 2018, UFM signed a government agreement for broad collaboration in research and technology development with the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology. The primary purpose of the bilateral agreement is to facilitate and support opportunities for research collaboration between Denmark and India in areas where both countries are strong and where there is great potential for enhanced cooperation. Bilateral cooperation with India focuses on green energy, water and health.

India faces major societal challenges, and the Green Strategic Partnership between Denmark and India is helping to set a strong direction for the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s (UFM) bilateral cooperation with the Indian government on research and technology development.

In 2020, Denmark and India entered into a far-reaching Green Strategic Partnership that puts Denmark in a unique position to deliver the green solutions India demands. The partnership is a crucial marker of the increasingly close cooperation between the two countries, particularly in with regards to green transition. Danish solutions in areas such as wind power, water technology and energy efficiency are in great demand in India, and the agreement helps pave the way for increased Danish exports and investments. Read more here.

In 2013, UFM established an Innovation Centre in India to support the bilateral collaboration of Danish knowledge communities and contribute to ensuring world-class Danish innovation and research. UFM and the Innovation Centre work closely with Innovation Fund Denmark to realise the many potentials of enhanced bilateral research and technology cooperation with India.

India also participates in various international programmes and organisations that can provide a framework for cooperation with Danish partners. This is particularly true of Horizon Europe, the EU's framework programme for research and innovation for the years 2021-27.


    Sune Kaur-Pedersen
    Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 40
    Email: spe@ufm.dk

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    Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
    last modified June 23, 2024