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The Danish University Center in Beijing (SDC)

The Danish University Center in Beijing is a joint Danish-Chinese university center established in collaboration between the eight Danish universities, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Purpose and activities

The purpose of the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC) in Beijing is to create the best conditions for Danish universities and companies to benefit from China's major investment in knowledge and talent. SDC supports the strong Danish-Chinese collaboration within science, improves the opportunities for Danish students to complete an education in China and facilitates the process of the recruitment of talented Danish and Chinese scientists and students to Danish and Chinese companies and knowledge hubs in both Denmark and China.

SDC provides a framework for Danish-Chinese science collaboration, the education of PhD students and master programmes. Moreover, SDC interacts closely with Danish companies operating in China with regards to science and development projects and internships.

Six research areas:

The science and education cooperation is centered around six areas:

  • Sustainable environment and water
  • Renewable energy
  • Life sciences
  • Nanoscience
  • Social science
  • Health and food

Within these areas, the eight following joint master programmes are offered, which results in a double degree from one of eight Danish universities and UCAS:

  • Water and Environment
  • Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
  • Public Management and Social Development
  • Innovation Management
  • Nanoscience and Technology
  • Life Science Engineering and Informatics
  • Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
  • International Food Quality and Health

House of the Danish Industry Foundation

The Danish Industry Foundation has donated approx. DKK 100 million DKK for the establishment of the House of the Danish Industry Foundation in China, which was inaugurated on 25 September 2017. This building provides the framework for SDC’s education and research activities and also functions as a meeting facility for Danish and Chinese stakeholders in China.

The Danish Industry Foundation’s House is built centrally on UCAS’ 340,000 m2 large Yanqihu campus north east of Beijing. The building includes auditorium, teaching and meeting rooms and a number of housing facilities for Danish scientists affiliated with the university center.

Also available

The following documents can be required by contacting Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science:  

  • Strategi for vidensamarbejde mellem Danmark og Kina – sammenfatning (PDF) (in Danish only) The strategy from 2008 presents the idea of a Danish-Chinese university center.
  • Partnership Agreement Between the eight Universities in Denmark and UCAS in China (PDF) The agreement basis for the Danish University Center in Beijing, signed on April 12, 2010
  • China-Denmark Joint Work Programme (2017 – 2020) SDC is mentioned as a strategic focus


Anette Birna Muus Day
Tlf.: 72318861
Email: amu@ufm.dk

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024