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Permanent Secretary

Hanne Meldgaard was appointed Permanent Secretary 1 January 2020.

Hanne Meldgaard was born in 1977 and graduated with a Master of Law from the University of Copenhagen in 2004.

Hanne Meldgaard, departementschef i Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet

Business career

  • Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education and Science, from January 2020.

  • Director General in the Policy Department, Ministry of Higher Education and Science 2016-2020.

  • Head of Division in the Minister’s Private Office and Executive Secretariat, Ministry of Higher Education and Science 2013-2016.

  • Senior Consultant in the Office of Policy and Coordination, Danish Ministry of Science Innovation and Higher Education 2010-2013.

  • Special Consultant, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation 2007-2010.

  • Head of Section, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation 2004-2007.

Document Actions

Ministry of Higher Education and Science
last modified September 18, 2024