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Let's use innovation to create a better world

Minister for Higher Education and Science Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen's speech at TechBBQ 18 September 2019 in Copenhagen.

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It is a pleasure to be here. It makes me proud to see some of the best and most promising European startups gathered in Copenhagen.

I know you are busy people, so allow me to go straight to the point:

The world needs your innovative minds to tackle the problems we face. Europe has a balanced approach to technology with strong root in our democratic values and ethics. The world needs that.

So, whether we talk about climate issues, imbalance in society or lifestyle diseases, your ideas and solutions are key. Period.

Now, for the more patient of you, please allow me to continue.

We have something to offer the world

Startups create progress. Progress is important to society. But we need to understand that progress has to be sustainable.
Climate change is the most challenging threat we face. If we don't tackle it the consequences are grim. In Denmark we want to reduce the CO2-emissions by 70 percent before 2030. It is an ambitious goal, and we need clever startups like yours to reach it.
Take the Danish startup, Eachthing.

They have created a solution that can help consumers choose everyday-products that match their needs and values. You take your smartphone and scan the product. Immediately you are provided with all sorts of information: Is the product effecting CO2-emmissions? Is it sustainable? Can it be recycled etc.?

Eachthing is using top-notch algorithms, blockchain and machine learning to create a smarter and better world. They base their solution on good Danish values. Values such as trust, transparency and ethical considerations. They make good business out of doing good.
We need more of that.

The world has something to offer us

Denmark is a small country. So, in order to stay on top of competition, we need to reach out to the rest of the world and connect to the knowledge available there.  

The best tool to speed up international cooperation is our eight Danish Innovation Centres. They are located in some of the world's most significant innovation hot spots. They provide you with tailored advice within areas like tech, life science and clean energy. Use them!

I am sure, the company Labster will tell you more in a minute.

Labster participated in a program provided by The Innovation Center in Silicon Valley. Later they joined our Center in Seoul and Shanghai and got introduced to the local Ed-tech-environment

Today, Labster is recognised as of one of the best providers of virtual lab solutions in the world.

Your ideas are crucial

So to conclude: You have so much to offer. European values like ethics, respect and transparency are part of your cooperate DNA. The world needs your mindset in order to develop the technologies of tomorrow.

Use the Innovation Centres as your starting gate. And let them help you conquer the world.

Thank you.

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Ministry of Higher Education and Science
last modified June 25, 2024