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The scientific heroes of our time

Minister for Higher Education and Science Søren Pind's speech at the field trip in Lund with The Education and Research Committee 12 January 2017.

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Thank you.

First of all, I would like to thank the organisers and the teams at the two facilities for an exciting tour.

Thank you for very informative presentations. Also many thanks to Lund University and headmaster for making these beautiful surroundings available to us.

”The future doesn’t belong to the faint-hearted, it belongs to the brave.”

So said former US president, Ronald Reagan.

Walking around at the ESS-site, realising the size and scope of the project, made me think about the brave scientists and engineers that construct institutions like ESS and MAX IV.

They should be considered the scientific heroes of our time. ESS will play an essential role in addressing future challenges from lifestyle diseases over climate changes to various food challenges.   

If successfully done, the experiments at ESS enable us to produce better medicine, make new energy solutions and create stronger materials for planes and ships.

So, to all the heroes in the room, thank you for hosting us today. I look forward to continuing our close collaboration in the years to come.

We politicians must also be brave. And dare to seize the future so that we can make it ours. Robotics, drones, Big Data - and now even super microscopes!

These are all opportunities that can bring growth and new jobs to Denmark.

We must take advantages of these opportunities. We must enter the fourth industrial revolution with faith in the future. And we must progress so we can gain jobs and productivity.

Therefore, we must constantly strive to provide researchers with the best conditions to conduct their research. And we must take a leading position when it comes to exploiting the new technological possibilities.

ESS and Max IV are excellent examples of this.

It has been an enlightening day with promising perspectives for Danish research and innovation.

And I would like to thank the members of The Education and Research Committee for good company.

There are in particular three aspects that I have noted during the day: The first one is (as always) the people. The second one is the broad potentials, and the third one is the long time perspectives. 

1. It’s about people

With ESS our region can become a hub for leading scientists from around the world. It is going to be an exciting challenge.

We must work hard to get the 'talent-magnet' that ESS represents connected to Danish universities and companies. Our opportunities are unique, if we manage to create a connection.

The ESS-strategy and the new action plan – many thanks to Bo Smith and the advisory group for the report! – points out some important actions.

Among others that we must strengthen our strategic research environments - our lighthouse environments - and create close interaction with ESS and MAX IV.

This is an important success factor.

We are a small country that usually only progress in small steps, but this is something else. The investments in ESS and MAX IV are brave and huge investments to secure our future!

As the Minister of Future that makes me proud.

2. The broad potentials

One would think that this type of advanced facility is only relevant for a small fraction of highly specialised people. 

What we ordinary people tend to call nerds

But, today I have learned otherwise. These facilities are relevant for a much wider range of research areas and Danish companies.

When I listen to Bo, Henning and Henrik, it is clear that we need to get our strong life and food science sector activated and involved.

3. The time perspective

It has taken decades to realise the vision of the European Spallation Source.

The MAX IV- laboratory also has a long history here in Lund. 

Looking in to the future, we need the same kind of persistence and long-term outlook. Step by step we must integrate the facilities into Danish science and industry. I am optimistic that we will succeed.

But we must think about education already from the start. The young people that we educate today will be the future users of the facilities.

We must provide the most talented young people with skills that match the unique potentials, now maturing.

Whether it's on the research facilities here in Lund on ESS and MAX IV, or in Hamburg where XFEL opens this summer.

There is enough work to be done in the new year! It can only be to the benefit of a new minister!

Thank you for today and have a safe trip home.

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Ministry of Higher Education and Science
last modified February 07, 2025