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Danish-American Frontier Award

Minister for Higher Education and Science Ulla Tørnæs' speech at The Danish-American Frontier Award Dinner in California 3 April 2016.

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Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you to the Danish-American Chamber of Commerce of California for making this evening possible.

As you can all see, I am not the Danish Prime Minister. He apologises for not being here, but he had to attend the funeral of former Danish Prime Minister, Anker Jørgensen.

As the Danish minister of education and science I am very happy to join you here in sunny California on his behalf.

Because rather than saying goodbye to an old friend, tonight we have the pleasure of introducing a new one.

We are here to celebrate the impressive number of successful Danish entrepreneurs acting as role models for their peers and contributing to the dynamics of the Bay Area.

We are also celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Innovation Centre Denmark in Silicon Valley as a considerable success story of public-private partnership.

But first and foremost, we are celebrating the inauguration of the The Danish-American Frontier Award as the most prestigious honour awarded by the Danish-American community in the western United States.

And I am happy to stand here as a representative of the Danish government to take part in this new journey.

Silicon Valley and Denmark

In my view, Silicon Valley is disrupting the world in an important way. Existing barriers are falling, new business models become possible and technologies converge.

New and highly innovative products are rapidly becoming something that we all use in our everyday lives, and at a pace no one would have thought possible just a few years ago.

For those who can keep up, Silicon Valley presents an incredible opportunity.

For those who cannot, Silicon Valley poses a threat. New ideas and new ways of implementing new technology and business models are disrupting old markets.  

We all know the stories… Airbnb, Nest, and many more like them. They seemed to come out of nowhere. But the truth is, they are the results of a particular spirit. A spirit of courage, entrepreneurship and opportunity.

Tonight, I am really happy to have the chance to meet the many successful Danes, who have made this fast city their home. Your success is important to all of us.

The importance of a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship

In Denmark we may not have a Silicon Valley. But we have much to build on.

We have a long and proud tradition of innovation. Danfoss, Grundfos, Vestas, Novo and LEGO are all famous start-ups that managed to disrupt, and grow their respective markets.

And new generations of startups like Skype, Endomondo and Zendesk have continued to emerge.

Our institutions of higher learning have fostered great minds, and in recent years we have managed to adapt and develop.

But we cannot rest on our laurels. No one can.

We must ensure that we continue to be in the best possible position to benefit from the various developments sweeping the world. 

And to do this, it is important that we learn from Silicon Valley.

Your culture of entrepreneurship, as well as the curiosity and drive to imagine and develop new things is impressive. But just as important is the willingness to accept risk of failure in the pursuit of your goals.

Peter Lassen, the Danish frontiersman, who broke new ground and found new routes to California, is a good example of this.

I hope that the inauguration of the Danish-American Frontier Award will help to highlight the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Today, meeting people like Heini from Vivino, Jacob and Jakob from Cobalt, and Torsten from Younoodle make me really optimistic about the future. You are all great examples of people with an idea, and the will to fight for it.

Your success is an inspiration to all the young men and women back home with a dream and an idea that just might become the next big thing. 

I hope you will share with others the kinds of experiences you have had and the knowledge you gained. I know you already do this, and for that I cannot thank you enough.

Conclusion and presentation of award

And now – finally – it is time to honour the recipient of the first Danish American Frontier Award.

He is really AWESOME!

A man in charge of one the biggest and most successful Danish companies.

A company that plays a huge role to millions of people around the world. And at the same time they make our children play better.

And by the way – the recipient is the only CEO I know, who can dance, sing and present the annual company report at the same time.

Please make a big round of applause for the first winner of the Danish-American Frontier Award: CEO at LEGO, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp.

Thank you!

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Ministry of Higher Education and Science
last modified June 25, 2024