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Lund and Copenhagen, stronger together
Dear incoming DG, Dear employees to ESS And dear guests
"If you want to go fast, walk alone - if you want to go far, walk together."
So says an old Chinese proverb.
The European Spallation Source, ESS, and our cooperation across Øresund, is a great example of how far we can go when we walk together in European research.
It makes me extremely proud to be the Minister for Higher Education and Science when I see this amazing international knowledge hub.
It makes me proud as a Dane that the ESS’ Data Management and Software Centre is built in Copenhagen, and it makes me proud as a European that this international research centre is built across borders.
While the goal in Lund is to make scientific experiments using the world's most powerful microscope, the goal of the Data Centre here in Copenhagen is to support the scientists using the ESS.
First and foremost with 1. class data analysis.
Or you could put it this way:
In Lund you have the muscles - the great machinery and instruments - in Copenhagen, we have the brain!
Great perspectives
ESS is the world's largest super microscope. The microscope can study phenomena so small that the human brain can barely understand it.
As a unique scientific tool the ESS will play an essential role in addressing future challenges from lifestyle diseases over climate changes to various food challenges.
If successfully done, the experiments at ESS enable us to produce better medicine, make new energy solutions and create stronger materials for planes and ships. Through our corporation we can take science a step further, building a foundation for growth and development while we search for answers to great societal challenges.
It is all about people
The new Data Centre is not just about data, software and simulation. It is about people.
I would like to offer a warm welcome to all new employees, researchers and technicians who have chosen to work at the Data Centre here in Denmark.
We rely on you to turn these buildings into a "state of the art technology centre". We rely on you to put knowledge and life into this international knowledge hub. We rely on you to take science one step further.
To harvest the full potential of the Data Centre here in Denmark, it is important that we anchor it in the existing research- and business environments. Last year we made a long-term ESS strategy. The strategy emphasises the importance of close ties between the Data Centre and Danish universities.
Let me encourage you to follow the strategy so that both researchers and businesses will benefit from the Centre as a world leading data facility.
Growth in Copenhagen
Until now the Data Centre was located on the North Campus of the University of Copenhagen. Now more appropriate surroundings have been provided here on COBIS, serving as a long-term “home base” for ESS in Denmark.
Once the Data Centre is fully operational 65 employees will be giving these buildings life.
This large number of knowledge-intensive jobs is a gift for Copenhagen when it comes to growth and prosperity.
But obviously it is more than that: The potential for cooperation between the ESS and the Data Centre here in Copenhagen is even greater.
A game changer within life sciences
ESS can be a game changer within the field of life sciences.
When completed, ESS will have the worlds’ most powerful neutron source. Neutrons can be used to investigate the interaction between a drug and its target much more accurately than we are used to.
Eventually, this could mean a breakthrough for the development of new methods to fight cancer and different lifestyle diseases. Or a breakthrough for the development of implant materials.
Denmark is already among the best in the field of life sciences. The ESS cooperation and your research will strengthen our position.
In other words, we will get even better at doing what we are already good at. And I would like to thank you for contributing to making this happen.
That is the very essence of cultivating elite - and in fine line with the Government's focus on selected areas of strength.
Magnet for international talent
Our position as a world leader in the field of life sciences will beyond doubt work as a magnet for international talent.
Calculations show that 2-4,000 researchers will be using the facility in Lund each year. It cannot fail to have a positive impact on the region.
Add the ESS to the MAX IV in Lund, the Data Centre here in Copenhagen plus XFEL and PETRA III in Hamburg, you get a unique cluster of research facilities.
And Denmark is right in the middle.
Building bridges
The ESS cooperation can make difference. It is going to take time. But Basic Research is not about speed. It’s about going new places, gaining new knowledge.
"If you want to go fast, walk alone - if you want to go far, walk together."
We have already gone far. The idea of ESS was first raised more than 20 years ago. And we are going even further together.
It is going to be a great journey.
I would like to conclude by thanking all the ESS staff and both Danish and international partners for the great efforts made so far. I wish you great success in the coming years.
May you fill these buildings with intellectual talent and state of the art technology.
Today is a great day for Danish research.
Thank you.