: 978-87-92776-47-1
: 978-87-92776-46-4
: The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education
: 100
About the publication
The RESEARCH2020 catalogue points out the most promising research areas in regard to growth, employment and welfare using major societal challenges as starting point.
RESEARCH2020 complies with the fiscal act of November 2011 where the involved political parties agreed that RESEARCH2020 will form the basis for decision for strategic funding of research in the future.
Moreover, the catalogue is used in a number of areas which goes beyond the political prioritizing of strategic investments of research, e.g. research collaboration within the EU and INNO+. Furthermore, it is the ambition that RESEARCH2020 can inspire strategy work at e.g. universities, GTS institutes, within private foundations, and among teachers and students at high schools, university colleges, etc.
RESEARCH2020 replaces RESEARCH2015 as basis for knowledge and prioritizing of strategic investments in research.
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