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An OECD horizon scan of megatrends and technology trends in the context of future research policy

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In this report the OECD points out some of the most significant megatrends and future technology trends that will shape our ever- changing world
: March 14, 2016
: 978-87-93151-92-5
: 94

The purpose of the report is to provide scene-setting and food for thought in support of the RESEARCH2025 process being launched in February 2016 by the Danish  Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI). The RESEARCH2025 process is a consultation and co-creation process among a broad range of stakeholders which  aims to identify:

— The research needs that flow from the major challenges facing the world and Danish society;

— The opportunities created by future developments anticipated in society, technology and the economy;

— The capabilities of Danish research institutions, enterprises and public organisations to address those needs and opportunities.

In the report the OECD – on the basis of a thorough scan of a variety of international foresights, scenarios and horizon scanning reports – identifies five global megatrends and ten tecknology trends that will shape the future of our society as we know it.

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last modified August 14, 2019