In this report the OECD points out some of the most significant megatrends and future technology trends that will shape our ever- changing world
Publications 2016
This Analysis from the Danish Innovation Centre in India provides a longitudinal snapshot of the entrepreneurship and start-up activities of Indian higher education institutions.
Cluster Forum has updated Denmark's cluster strategy with new ambitions, goals and initiatives for the period 2016-2018. The new cluster strategy builds on past achievements, but it also increases the level of ambition in order to achieve even greater value creation from the Danish cluster efforts.
The report highlights the talent pool in Danish research, international cooperation and the societal impact of independent research.
Drones and drone technology are new growth areas, with huge commercial potential. The Danish Government’s ambition with this Drone Strategy is to establish a framework for technological and commercial development in the area.
Danish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2015 presents the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science's vision and strategic objectives for the research infrastructures area in the coming five years. It also contains a catalogue of specific proposals for new national research infrastructures
Grand societal challenges in areas such as climate, environment and food production must be jointly addressed across national borders. It is one of the topics in a new Danish roadmap that will help to strengthen the internal European market for knowledge and thus Danish research.
Growth through enhanced cooperation. In 2015, the first Danish ESA-astronaut was sent into space. Now the Government has prepared a national strategy for how Space can contribute to growth in Danish society and to help solve some of today's major challenges on the ground.
This ICDK analysis “Drivers for Innovation in China – R&D and Consumer Driven Innovation” is made for Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai. The main focuses for the analysis are drivers for innovation in China, including the increasing investment in R&D and consumer driven innovation and trends.
Innovation Centre Denmark Shanghai is proud to present the updated and sixth edition of the Funding Guide for Sino-Danish researchers.
Guide on funding opportunities for Mobility, Research, Innovation and Export between India and Denmark
This Analysis from the Danish Innovation Centre in Shanghai, China provides a mapping of current development and activities in the Chinese R&D that corresponds with the focus of the Danish Innovation Networks within 22 specific sectors.
This report presents an overview of the activity in Europe concerning the inclusion of research and development (R&D) activity in macroeconomic models used for policy evaluation.
New knowledge about the Arctic can play an important role in creating more growth and a more sustainable future. Hence the Ministry of Higher Education and Science has produced a strategy for Arctic research, education and innovation.
This publication provides an introduction to the Danish education system. Furthermore, it presents information about the Danish grading system, financing and education grants.
The Danish language report - Analyse- og Evidensgrundlag for Rumområdet i Danmark - contained the first authoritative evidence base of the Danish space economy in terms of turnover, employment, value added and exports. The document - The Danish Space Economy 2016 - is a summary of this report.
World-Class Knowledge is an analysis of the background for the high performance of Danish research carried out by the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (DFiR) from 2014–2016.
How to have your qualifications assessed and recognised in Denmark
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