Denmark's National Space Strategy

Growth through enhanced cooperation. In 2015, the first Danish ESA-astronaut was sent into space. Now the Government has prepared a national strategy for how Space can contribute to growth in Danish society and to help solve some of today's major challenges on the ground.
September 06, 2016
: 978-87-93468-10-8
: 978-87-93468-15-3
: The Government
: 2016
: 60
: 978-87-93468-10-8
: 978-87-93468-15-3
: The Government
: 2016
: 60
This strategy sets out the direction for the Danish space sector and aims to help businesses, researchers and public authorities to harvest the potential of the sector. Researchers will gain access to substantial research knowledge, and businesses will have better opportunities to develop new space products and services. This also applies to businesses that use space data and services as a mean to reduce costs. This strategy provides a framework for Denmark’s international space activities and the work of Danish public authorities to exploit new opportunities for improvements in efficiency and quality.
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last modified
August 15, 2019