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The University Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree

Research-based Bachelor's degrees and Master's degrees are offered by the Danish universities. The degrees cover academic disciplines such as humanities, social sciences, natural science, health science, technical science and theology.

University Bachelor's degree

The Bachelor’s degree from a university is awarded after the completion of a three-year undergraduate programme (180 ECTS), normally undertaken within one or two subject areas.

The bachelor programmes are research-based and are offered in all scientific disciplines.

The bachelor programmes provide students with a broad academic foundation as well as specialist knowledge combined with theoretical, applied and analytical skills.

Students are required to submit a final project paper. The programmes qualify students for occupational functions and for postgraduate studies, e.g. for the candidatus degree.

Degree titles (Bachelor)

The titles are:

  • Danish: Bachelor (BA) i [field of study] or Bachelor (BSc) i [field of study]y]
  • English: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in [field of study] or Bachelor (BSc) of Science in [field of study] or Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.). In business administration, the title HA may be used.

Main characteristics - University Bachlor's degree

  • 3 years (180 ECTS credits)
  • Research-based education
  • Predominantly theoretical
  • Preparation for postgraduate study

Master’s degree

The Master’s degree is normally awarded after two years of study (120 ECTS credits) following a BA/BSc degree.

A few Master's degree programmes are longer, eg. Medicine (3 years, 180 ECTS points) and Veterinary Medicine (2½ years, 150 ECTS points).

All Master's degree programmes are research-based and provide students with theoretical knowledge, analytical and scientific (and/or artistic) skills combined with the ability of practical application.

Students in a Master's degree programme are required to submit a thesis (30-60 ECTS) before graduation. The degree qualifies students for a professional career and scientific work, e.g admission to a PhD programme.

Degree titles (Master's)

The degree titles are:

  • Danish: Cand. + latin abbreviation of academic area i [field of study], e.g.: cand.mag. (candidatus/candidata magisterii) i [field of study]
  • English: Master of Arts (MA) in [field of study] or Master of Science (MSc) in [field of study]

Main characteristics - Master's Degree 

  • 2 years (120 ECTS credits)
  • Research-based
  • Career oriented

Admission to university

General access to higher education in Denmark requires an Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate or comparable qualifications. Admission to some particular programmes requires entrance examination or submission of a portfolio of artistic work.

Admission to a Master's degree programme requires the completion of a first cycle degree, typically a bachelor's degree.

Numerous degree programmes in English

In Denmark, a large number of degree programmes are offered in English with all examinations being conducted in English. These programmes are open to both Danish and foreign students.

An overview of the different degrees programmes offered in English at university level can be found at UddannelsesGuiden

Furthemore, the official website Study in Denmark provides extensive information on Danish higher education and living in Denmark.

Additional courses and degrees offered by Danish universities

Danish universities and a few additional university level institutions offer part-time degree programmes and single academic courses. More information on this, including the Master degree can be found at:


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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified July 08, 2024