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Assessment database

You can search our database for previous assessments of non-Danish qualifications.


The assessment database contains part of the assessments carried out by the Danish recognition information centre in the last 5 years.

The database is available in Danish only, but you can find translations of key words below.


The information provided in the database is for general guidance only. It cannot replace an individual assessment and does not create or confer any rights for or on any person.


In order to search the database, type your search terms into one or more of the available fields and hit "Søg".

  • Land: Country
  • Uddannelsessted: Educational institution
  • By: Town
  • Oprindelig uddannelsestitel: Original title of qualification
  • Tilsvarende dansk uddannelse: Corresponding Danish qualification
  • Afslutningsår (Fra): Year of completion (From)
    Afslutningsår (Til): Year of completion (To)
  • Fritekst: Free text
  • Resultater per side: Results per page
  • Søg: Search
  • Nulstil: Reset
  • Udskriv: Print
  • Forrige: Previous
  • Næste: Next
  • Varighed (i år): Length (in years)
  • Fuldtid/deltid: Full-time/part-time
  • Vurderet som svarende til: Assessed as comparable (in level) to
  • Vurderingsår: Year of assessment

In order to understand the search results, you may find our Danish-English education dictionary useful:


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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024