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The ENIC and NARIC networks

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science is the Danish centre within the European recognition networks, ENIC and NARIC.


The ENIC network

ENIC is an abbreviation of the European Network of Information Centres on academic recognition and mobility. The network was created on the initiative of the Council of Europe and UNESCO and is made up by national information centres of the States party to the European Cultural Convention or the UNESCO Europe Region (comprising USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, among others).

The network serves to implement the Council of Europe's and UNESCO's Lisbon Recognition Convention and, in general, to develop policy and practice for the recognition of qualifications. The ENIC network provides the same services as the NARIC network in regard to information on higher education and mutual recognition. The two networks cooperate closely.

The ENICs were designated by national authorities in the respective countries, but the status and the scope of work of individual ENICs vary.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science is the Danish ENIC office.

The NARIC network

NARIC is an abbreviation of National Academic Recognition Information Centres. The network was created in 1984 on the initiative of the European Commission and consists of national information centres of the EU and EEA member states and associated countries.

The network aims at improving mutual academic recognition of higher education programmes. The NARIC offices offer information on the procedures for recognition of higher education diplomas, on national education systems etc.

The NARICs were designated by the Ministries of Education in their respective countries, but the status and the scope of work of individual NARICs vary. In most countries, NARIC is integrated with the ENIC network and has responsibilities in the implementation of the Lisbon Convention.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science is the Danish NARIC office.

See also

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024