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Applications under EU rules

Find out how to gain access to a regulated profession in Denmark under EU rules.

If you wish to pursue your profession on a permanent basis in Denmark you must apply for authorisation or similar recognition by the competent public authority.

Applying for professional recognition

Send your application to the Danish competent authority enclosing documentation of your qualifications etc.

By selecting your profession on our list you will find the competent authority and application instructions that apply to you:

How long does it take?

The competent authority must reach a decision on your application within three months of receiving of the application itself and any supporting documentation required. In special cases however, this deadline may be extended by one month.

What does the application lead to?

The competent authority's decision may be positive, conditional or negative. In some cases, the competent authority may grant partial access to a professional activity.

  • Positive decision: You gain full access to pursuing your profession on the same terms applying to Danish nationals. The decision contains information on the profession you have been permitted to pursue, and in certain cases, how long this right applies, including when you have to renew your authorisation certificate.
  • Conditional decision: You can gain full access to pursuing your profession when you have proved that you are fully qualified for the pursuit of your profession in Denmark. You can do this by means of an aptitude test or an adaptation period stipulated by the competent authority.
  • Negative decision: You are not granted access to the profession in Denmark. The decision must be reasoned and specify the procedure for lodging an appeal.

Automatic recognition for certain professions

For seven professions, professional qualifications are recognised automatically: nurse for general care, midwife, doctor, dentist, pharmacist, veterinary surgeon and architect. Architect, however, is not a regulated profession in Denmark.

Temporary service provider

If you only wish to work on a temporary basis in Denmark there is a quicker procedure where, as a rule, you only need to submit a declaration.

European Professional Card

The European Professional Card (EPC) is an electronic procedure you can use to have your professional qualifications recognised in another EU/EEA country.

The EPC is available for these professions:

  • Nurse Responsible for General Care
  • Pharmacist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Mountain Guide

You can apply for an EPC if you want to get access to pursue your profession permanently, but also if you want to provide temporary services.



Any other questions?

If you have any questions, you can call the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, (+45) 7231 8700, or send us an e-mail at .

You can also contact us if you experience problems with the recognition of your qualifications. As a contact point the agency can provide further information and assistance.

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024