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Adult education and continuing training

Denmark has a long-standing tradition of lifelong learning.

Education and training for adults at all levels

Adult courses leading to formal qualifications for further education or for the labour market include:

Preparatory adult education (FVU)

Offered to improve basic literacy and numeracy skills of adults who are not sufficiently qualified to attend education and training programmes or cope with the demands of working and everyday life.

General adult education (AVU)

General education at lower secondary level offered to adults aged 25 years and older to strengthen their opportunities for further education and to promote their interest in education.

Higher preparatory single-subject courses (HF-e)

General education at upper secondary level.

Adult vocational training (AMU)

The main target group is unskilled and skilled workers in the labour market who need to update and/or develop their competencies. The programmes are developed and adapted according to the needs of the labour market.

Vocational Education and Training for Adults (EUV)

Students aged 25 and above enter a vocational education and training programme based on prior learning assessment and recognition. The programmes lead to the same level and same final test as ordinary VET programmes.

Academy Profession programmes (akademiuddannelse)

Correspond to the level of Academy Profession programmes within the ordinary education system.

Diploma programmes

Correspond to the level of Bachelor's programmes.

Master programmes

Correspond to the level of Master's programmes in the ordinary higher education system..

Non-formal education

A wide range of different schools operate within the framework of non-formal adult education (folkeoplysning). The most well-known are the folk high schools, which are residential schools providing general and non-formal education. The courses vary in length – from one week to almost one year – and are attended by adults of all ages.

These non formal courses are intended to broaden general, social and democratic competencies. Other programmes of informal adult education are provided by adult education associations and non-residential folk high schools or as university extension courses.


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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024