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National space conference 2022

On March 24th 2022 the Ministry of Higher Education and Science will host a National Space Conference 2022. A full programme and registration is now available. The programme features the Minister of Higher Education and Science and ESA General Director as well as a many of Danish space stakeholders.
  • Time and place
  • When March 24, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM
  • Where The Glass Hall at DTU, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

We guarantee an inspiring and surprising conference gathering the Danish space sector around exciting themes from earth to space and back again, and presenting talks and discussions on a wide variety of topics such as new developments in the space sector and the sector’s green, scientific and commercial contributions here on earth.

It will be possible to attend the conference both physically at DTU, or virtually. In case the number of registrations reaches the capacity limits of the conference hall, some participants will be offered to participate virtually instead. The conference at DTU can host 200 participants but an unlimited number can participate online.

The program is still under development so the list of speakers, themes and details will be updated.

The conference will be held in English.

Full programme:

The conference will be moderated by Tine Gøtzsche.

9.00 – 9.30 Breakfast and networking opportunity

9.30 – 09.40 Welcome

  • President of DTU Anders Overgaard Bjarklev
  • Deputy director Stine Jørgensen for the Agency for Higher Education and Science (UFS).

09.40 – 10.20 Theme 1 – Opening of the conference

  • Josef Aschbacher, Director General of ESA
  • Jesper Petersen, Minister for Higher Education and Science

Q&A session

10.20 – 10.40: Coffee break


10.40 – 11:40 Theme 2 – Future perspectives on the space sector’s contributions to the green transition

The updated Danish space strategy from 2021 sets a clear green direction for the Danish efforts and highlights the space area's great potential for contributing to the development of new green technologies and solutions that can protect the climate, the environment and nature. The enhanced green focus is resonating throughout Europe and takes up a prominent place in the space agendas of both ESA and the EU. However, the space area is competing with many other solutions and technologies for attention and funding. In addition, the area demands competences and expertise, which are not always available in Denmark. Recently members of the new Danish Forum for space based innovation and science (FRIF) recommended increasing efforts to secure finance and make data more accessible. To shine a light on both the potential and challenges ahead we have invited speakers and panelists who are at the forefront of utilizing the space infrastructure for green purposes now and in the future. We have asked them to present bold visions and high ambitions for Danish leadership in applying space technology and data for green purposes. Key questions: What will it take to unlock the green potential in the space area? Where can we find the necessary funding for space-related green research and innovation in Denmark? What are the key barriers and how do we overcome them?

  • How to start daily measurements of the changes of our planet - CEO Morten Fjord Pedersen, Clearsky
  • Denmark could be leading Europe – Professor Svend Christensen, Head of Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at KU
  • Taking GNSS to the next level through new cloud based systems – Professor Lars Stenseng, DTU Space
  • Let’s do logistics in a fundamental new way – Sverre V. Lenbroch, MARLOG

Panel debate with the speakers and Jesper Stendal Sørensen (Danish Agricultural Agency), Jacob L. Høyer (Danish Meterological Institute), Peter Mandix Sehestedt (Agency for Higher Education and Science), Torsten Bondo (UNEP-DHI)

11.40– 12.30: Lunch

12.30 – 13.10 Theme 3 – Key note speach

  • Josef Aschbacher, Director General of ESA
  • Q&A session

13.10-13.20 Coffee break


13.20 – 14.25 Theme 4 – The future space sector and its potential for Danish companies

Euroconsult estimates the space economy to grow 74% and reach $642B (6.3% CAGR) by 2030 and thus renew its former strong growth pattern following a 4% decrease in 2020 during the COVID crisis that impacted commercial space services. Supported by the government the US space companies are strong and still pushing the technological boundaries and in many ways changing the traditional business case of especially satellite operators. We are entering an era where space and terrestrial 5G systems merge with the demand for IoT connections and telecommunication just exploding everywhere. At the same time Europe is planning to build new satellite programmes for secure connectivity and considering expanding even further with so-called Accelerators and Inspirators as part of an even greater bet on a European future in space. On the backdrop of these tectonic shifts we have invited speakers and panelists who develop the satellite technologies of the future. Building on their insights, we want to know what are the opportunities for Danish start-ups as well as established companies in an accelerating space economy where we will no doubt see players from China and India entering the global market. Today the Danish space industry (both down- and upstream) has a turnover of almost 6 billion kroner, is it possible for Danish industry to reach 10 billion in revenues in 10 years? Key questions: Are Danish companies innovative? What are their strategies for capturing global market shares? How may ESA help Danish companies develop the technologies of the future? How do we help foster more innovative space companies in Denmark?

  • Interplanetary Modular Atomic Microfabrication – CEO Maksym Plakhotnyuk, Atlant 3D Nanosystems
  • ESA – speakers and themes to be announced shortly
  • The Merge of Mobile and Space Systems – Product Manager Svend Holme Sørensen, Gatehouse Satcom

Panel debate with the previous speakers and Karl Kaas (Space Inventor), Thomas Pfister (GomSpace), Carsten Jørgensen (Terma Space), Sune Nordentoft Lauritsen (ESA BIC), John Leif Jørgensen (DTU Space)

14.25 – 14.50: Coffee break


14.50 – 15.50 Theme 5 - The future of space science and education with a focus on big projects and cooperation

Early 2021 the rover Perseverance landed safely on Mars carrying Danish instruments and later the same year the James Webb Space Telescope was successfully launched - again with Danish contributions. Around the same time, the lifetime of the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) onboard the ISS was extended to 2025 reflecting the many scientific results from the first 3 years of observation of thunderstorms and lightening. These major international events were followed by the extraordinary announcement in January 2022 by the Danish minister for Education and Higher Science who had decided to allocate 31.2 MDKK to the Danish space project STEP (STars and ExoPlanets). STEP is a collaboration between universities and industry to build and fly a small satellite to measure transiting exoplanets and their variable host stars for long periods of time. In space education we saw the announcement that the first national student space program organized between four universities, DISCO, were being funded with the help of Industriens Fond. On the backdrop of these exiciting developments the speakers and panelists have been invited to speak about existing or emerging Danish science and educational activities with the aim of better understanding the future of space science in Denmark. Key questions: Are Danish scientists punching above their weight in international space science? And how is it possible for Denmark to stay in the race for the big scientific discoveries in the future? Which competences and approaches do the Danish science community need to develop in order to be able to participate in international space science projects in the future? And is DISCO attracting and engaging students in accordance with the ambitions of the partnership?

  • juLIET – Climate science from a cubesat – René Fleron, project manager at DTU Space.
  • Samples from Mars – Using the European Spallation Source to search for life – By Henning Friis Poulsen, professor at DTU Physics, Head of the 3D Imaging Centre.
  • Witnessing Cosmic Dawn with the James Webb Space Telescope – Sune Toft, professor at Niels Bohr Institute
  • Danish Student CubeSat Program (DISCO) – Why space is attracting students – Mads Toudal Frandsen, associate professor at SDU

Panel debate with the speakers and Torsten Neubert (DTU Space), Hans Kjeldsen (Aarhus University), Christina Ayoe Toldboe (DTU Space), Jens Frydenvang (Copenhagen University)

15.50 – 16.00 Wrap-Up

Wrap up session by the moderator and deputy director Stine Jørgensen for the Agency for Higher Education and Science (UFS)

16:00 – 16:30 Reception with drinks and snacks





Peter Mandix Sehestedt
Tlf.: 72318202
Email: pse@ufm.dk

Document Actions

last modified March 15, 2022