Agreement reached on distribution of research and innovation funds
October 30, 2015
All parliamentary parties have reached agreement on the distribution of a total of DKK 671 million for research and innovation activities in 2016.
The Danish Government has reached agreement with all parliamentary parties today, October 29, on the allocation of DKK 671 million from the research reserve funds.
Minister for Higher Education and Science Esben Lunde Larsen says:
- I am very pleased that we have achieved broad backing for the agreement. Distribution of funds from the research reserve strengthens the foundation for strategic research and maintains the high level of ambition for Innovation Fund Denmark. We are also strengthening the area of food science.
A total of DKK 298 million is being allocated to research and innovation in Innovation Fund Denmark. Of this, DKK 161 million will go towards supporting research and development efforts in the area of food science.
DKK 197 million has been allocated to development and demonstration programmes within the areas of technology, environment and green business development.
Furthermore, funding has been allocated for entrepreneurship, research into terror, and DKK 120 million allocated to independent research.
The agreement on the distribution of the research reserve in 2016 is divided as follows

Statements from party spokespersons:
- Dansk Folkeparti (DF) is pleased that agreement ensures a good balance between Innovation Fund Denmark and the Danish Council for Independent Research. It is particularly important to DF that the agreement also ensures that a national strategy is developed for the use of drones. Furthermore, we are satisfied that funds will be allocated to the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship and particularly, that there is focus on social entrepreneurship. Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl, DF
- I am pleased that a broad cross-section of parties agreed to distribute the research reserve in such a way that fairly maintains the balance between the individual elements of our research and innovation system. In a situation where one unfortunately has to allocate less funding to the overall system, I hope that all parts of the research and innovation system are clear about the message being sent from Danish Parliament: You are all important to ensuring research and innovation thrives in our country. Henrik Dahl, Liberal Alliance
- We deeply disagree with the government's cuts to the research area. It is about future jobs and development. The funding we have negotiated for today is like a plaster on an open wound. It has been important to Radikale Venstre to minimise the damages, particularly in the areas of independent research and development of green technology. Ida Auken, Radikale Venstre.
- We are pleased that we secured prioritisation for the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, so that we may strengthen entrepreneurship and innovation. We are also pleased that more money has been allocated to it this year than in previous years under the previous government. Det Konservative Folkeparti places high priority on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, it was important to us to ensure more funding went to development and demonstration programmes as it creates jobs and helps make Denmark greener. Mai Mercado, Det Konservative Folkeparti.
- Socialdemokraterne oppose the significant reductions of DKK 1.4 billion in the research area. But of the DKK 671 million that we could negotiate for in this pool, a large portion of the funding was successfully allocated to the environment, energy and the Danish Council for Independent Research. However, it does not lessen our deep concern for the consequences facing Denmark and much of our business community from cutting back so greatly in the research area. Mette Reissmann, Socialdemokraterne.
- I am very satisfied that we managed to prioritise and retain a large allocation of funds for the MUDP programme [Environmental Technology Development and Demonstration Programme], which will receive DKK 50 million from today's agreement. The programme is crucial to strengthening development of new environmental technologies and is one of Socialistisk Folkeparti's top priorities. Jacob Mark, Socialistisk Folkeparti
- We have fought to protect the green area and independent research. I am relieved that we were successful. Meanwhile, we have made it clear to the government that the cuts proposed in the national Budget are catastrophic for Danish research and are evidence of an unbelievable lack of foresight. Eva Flyvholm, Enhedslisten
- Alternativet is particularly pleased that the negotiations led to securing more funding for independent research and research into organic food production. We are also very satisfied with the funding allocated to the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, as research aimed at strengthening education in entrepreneurship and innovation is necessary for our future citizens to be able to tackle unknown future challenges. Carolina Magdalene Maier, Alternativet
For further information please contact:
Head of Press Jesper Langergaard, tel: +45 7231 8020, e-mail:
Head of Division Niels Korsby, tel: +45 7231 8050, e-mail:
Party education and research spokespersons:
Hans Christian Thoning (V),, FT: 7178 6718
Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl (DF),, FT: 6162 5159
Henrik Dahl (LA),, FT: 3337 4912
Mai Mercado (KF),, FT: 3337 4227
Ida Auken (RV),, FT: 3337 4710
Mette Reissmann (S),, FT: 3337 4073
Jacob Mark, SF,, FT: 3337 4418
Eva Flyvholm, EL,, FT: 3337 5064
Carolina Magdalene Maier, ALT,, FT, 3337 5500
Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl (DF),, FT: 6162 5159
Henrik Dahl (LA),, FT: 3337 4912
Mai Mercado (KF),, FT: 3337 4227
Ida Auken (RV),, FT: 3337 4710
Mette Reissmann (S),, FT: 3337 4073
Jacob Mark, SF,, FT: 3337 4418
Eva Flyvholm, EL,, FT: 3337 5064
Carolina Magdalene Maier, ALT,, FT, 3337 5500
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