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Education in Denmark Ranking High

March 05, 2009
International students are glad about the level of Danish study programmes. But they are less satisfied with life outside the classroom. This is shown by a new survey.
– It is gratifying to see that international students appreciate the study programmes as such, and the Danish approach to education. But it is also important that we focus on areas in which we can, and should, make an effort to do things better, says Helge Sander, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation.

78 per cent of the international students recommend Denmark as a country of study. But many of them mention problems outside the actual instruction, for instance their reception when arriving in Denmark, poor contact with Danish fellow students, and lack of opportunity for careers advice, training placements and work experience.

The survey was conducted by i-graduate, an international benchmarking and consultancy service, for CIRIUS, which is the Ministry's agency for internationalisation of education and training. 3512 international students from 42 educational institutions took part in the survey.

– The Government gives a high priority to recruiting talented international students and making them stay and work in Denmark after having completed their education. So I would like to repeat my recommendation that Danish companies should be open to employing foreign students in trainee or student jobs, says Helge Sander.
– I would also call on educational institutions to keep in mind that it is not enough to provide first-class education if problems outside the classroom limit the ability of students to gain full benefit from it. I hope, of course, that Danish students will join in with their fellow students from other countries to create a common environment – also outside the classroom, says Helge Sander.

For further information on the survey, please contact Anders Geertsen, Director of CIRIUS, on phone +45 33 95 70 10 or age@ciriusmail.dk.

Science Minister Helge Sander can be contacted via the Ministry's Information Manager, Allan Boldt, on phone +45 33 92 97 39 or abo@vtu.dk.

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